Before I was stricken down with my freak ailment, I was writing about the Dragon Family and the new financial system. So I thought I'd circle back around and address that subject again before moving on to the next. It's just my way of saying "thanks for the memories"....

Most of us have seen the video montages of various world political figures speaking of the need for a New World Order. And if we look at the most fundamental requirements for implementing such an Order, we see that they involve...
1) Creating a new system of control that looks and feels different from the current, old system of control.
2) Systematically demolishing the "Old World Order" (OWO) while simultaneously erecting the "New World Order" (NWO) in its place.
So if we turn our attention to the Truth Movement, which was initially created by the Occulted Powers (OPs) to facilitate this demolition/erection process, we can predict that the OP's controlled faux-truthers will attack the old system while either ignoring or promoting the system that will take its place. Therefore, this is the signature by which one can recognize them:
1) They release damaging information about existing governments, institutions, agencies, and personalities aligned with the Old Order, specifically those in the West (which was the publicly recognized base of the old global system of control). Since these releases are both truthful and revolutionary (to the minds of a public that has been kept in the dark), the faux-truthers gain great credibility from them.
2) They promote positive information about governments, institutions, agencies, and personalities aligned with the New Order, specifically those in the East (which will be the publicly recognized base of the new global system).
So if you encounter a Truth Movement site that posts truthful and damaging articles about the Western Illuminati, the US Government, US and NATO foreign policy, Wall Street and the City of London, the pre-Francis Vatican, chemtrails, Monsanto, and all the usual suspects, yet also...
1) actively promotes a new global financial system being put together by mythical white hats aligned with figures like Neil Keenan, Benjamin Fulford, the OPPT, "sacred" secret societies, Eastern Dragons, interventionist ETs, etc.
2) blocks any articles or comments that challenge the narratives of those in 1)
3) lionizes the BRICS alliance and their political leaders, such as "the war-stopping hero Putin"... have most likely encountered a controlled opposition (faux-truther) site. Such a site is tearing down the OWO while building up the NWO, just like the Occulted Powers want.
There is also another contingent of faux-truthers to be recognized: those assigned to the task of creating the expectation of terrifying catastrophic events and a dark, brutal, Western-run New World Order...

They do this so that the real, Eastern-fronted, smiley-faced New World Order will be welcomed with open arms when they show up to save us.
If you want to see what the Real NWO actually looks like, just look to the smiling Jesuit...

...who gave a new face to a Vatican that is only pretending to change for the better (while actually preparing the new spiritual control system: the New World Religion).
And look to these "benevolent" leaders holding hands against a backdrop of green grass...

...Note how they can barely keep themselves from laughing.

Before buying the tripe about the angelic BRICS Alliance the faux-truthers are trying to sell us, let's first do a reality check. Just ask yourself this one simple question about the following nations, and as each country is brought up, take time to carefully consider all you know about it:
What is life like for the average person on the street in...
South Africa?
South Africa?
Do the governments of these countries facilitate graceful, abundant human living for their people? Do they help give rise to just and caring social conditions and freedom of expression? Are they somehow less corrupt than Western governments? To help answer these questions, let's take a closer look at the economic leader of this alliance, China (and to be more precise, the Chinese Communist Party Government)...