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Addressing Cobra's attempt to repackage the new financial system
Just a day after posting my last entry on the new financial system, I came across Clown Posse crewmember Cobra's latest entry, and it seems to be almost tailor-made to wiggle away from the points I set out. He started off with a short rehashing of the occulted collateral accounts system that was introduced to us by Wilcock, Fulford, et al. Then he proceeded to explain why the new system is such a wonderful thing.Well allow me to retort...

And I will do so point-by-point...
Point 1: "In February 2012, the Resistance Movement removed all that gold [the gold that was supposedly collected from all the nations and stored in the collateral accounts] from the hands of the Cabal."
So the Resistance Movement seized all the gold, eh? Exactly what is the "Resistance Movement"?? According to Cobra, they are a group of people who live underground and who have ties with the underworld-dwelling "Agarthans." So by Cobra's account, beings who live underground took custody of all the gold last year.
Who else is widely rumored to be living underground? The aliens (a.k.a. the "Anunnaki") who control the Illuminati are supposed to be down there. Personally, I call these beings "the Occulted Powers," because they hide from us by means of their Illuminati intermediaries and their living situation. This whole underground situation raises the distinct possibility that...
And why would they seize the gold? Perhaps it's harvest time. World events seem to be suggesting that.
Point 2: "Historical owners of all that gold and bonds that represent it are not the Chinese, nor Keenan, nor White Dragons Society, nor anybody appointed M1 (monetary controller)... The owner and true heir is humanity as a whole and after the Event the collateral accounts will be transferred to humanity in total... After the Event the Resistance will return the gold to humanity and it will be stored on the surface of the planet to underwrite the new financial system."
This is the section where Cobra claims that humanity actually owns the gold, and after the Event, it will be stored in vaults above the ground with "YOU own it" stenciled on the door. I guess it really will be ours then, right? Well, wait a second... I can think of another system that was erected by secretive, behind-the-scenes forces and is purportedly owned by "we the people": the UNITED STATES government.
It too sits above the ground...

...and it too is widely proclaimed to be "the people's government" owned and commanded by the citizens. But is it really ours? In name only, it would seem. In like manner, the new global(ist) financial system will be owned by the world's people in name only.
Point 3: "This structuring of the new financial system is one part of a secret agreement which was made between 57 members of the Eastern Alliance in the Monaco Accords meeting in August 2011."
So our enlightened new financial system was agreed upon in secret by 57 of the world's existing corrupted governments? If it was decided on by dozens of the highest-level whore politicians in complete secrecy, it must be good for the people of the Earth, right? According to Clown Posse logic, definitely!
Point 4: "Various groups that are working to liberate the financial system from the hands of the Cabal (White Dragons, Keenan, OPPT) will have advisory role..."
So the "White Dragons," which seem to consist of Benjamin Fulford's Yakuza drinking buddies and Chodoin Daikaku's 200 million ninjas, will have an advisory role?
Behold Chodoin Daikaku, or as I call him, "Asian Shaft"...

...If I get a pimp stick like Shaft, can I be an advisor too?
And Neil Keenan, Mr. "Gobbledygook"...

...who has openly stated that the gold belongs to the Dragon Family, not us, will have an advisory role?
And the OPPT, a Saturnian Satanist organization... by a woman named Heather who has admitted to cooperating with and receiving guidance from the Rothschild family and their agents, will have an advisory role?
Golly, this is getting better all the time....
Point 5: "...a council of government officials democratically elected after the Event will be the trustees of the collateral accounts. The whole system will be completely transparent and this transparency will be supervised by the Resistance Movement."
So after the Event, will we hold elections using the same programmable/hackable electronic voting machines and the same fraud-allowing election processes we use now? Will we hold mass democratic elections as we do now -- elections in which we are lumped together into vast groups of people who don't know each other (nameless, faceless herds) that are then marketed pre-selected candidates to gain our consent? Won't the hand-selected members of the "interim governments" (who get to hand out all the candy) have a strong incumbent advantage? Is Ron Paul the one who has been groomed to fulfill this role in the US?
As for the promise of transparency, haven't I heard that somewhere else before?...

..."I'll make our government open and transparent, so that anyone can ensure that our business is the people's business." They'll keep using this lie as long as we keep believing it.
And this "transparency" will be supervised by the Resistance Movement / Occulted Powers? Golly gee, where do we sign up, Cobra?

If this woo woo Event / ET arrival scenario does end up manifesting, please remember that Cobra is among those who speak of our need to be "healed" in the "transformation chambers." So make no mistake: getting you to make a free-will decision to enter such a chamber is the end result they are seeking with all this. The Event, the financial system overhaul, the ET arrival, the rollout of the new technologies -- all of this is just foreplay to gain your goodwill and trust so they can get a "yes" when they ask you to hop in a crystal coffin. Human Slave, Version 2.0 is the most valuable commodity of all.
Now I'd like to address the Occulted Powers directly....
When it comes to your new financial system, there is no way you can perfume that turd and convince us it's a flower. The people on the cutting edge of the human consciousness wave have already swept past your plans, and we see what you're doing with a clarity that increases every single day. I am not the one who is teaching them this; I'm just their network printer. Their thoughts flow to me and others like me to be crystallized and articulated. We are many.
Should you proceed with your Event scenario, you will likely experience initial success as you guide the Event-awakened masses down the conduit you have prepared for them. But that success will be short-lived. They will inevitably flow into the knowing that the cutting edge has already achieved, and they will then see right through you. Your resulting loss of control will be shocking in its suddenness and uncontrollability.
Those of us who love you and want to see you forgiven and (if you wish it) restored cannot protect you in the event of a sudden loss of control. Your surrender and a managed transition is imperative to your survival. Choose wisely, and smack down any among you who keep you from making the prudent choice. Your fate (not ours) is in your hands.
With love....