CALL, do not write, your House Representative and Senators on Syria
Under normal circumstances, I completely ignore the democratic facade we call government, but the gravity of the current situation motivated me to call my area's U.S. Representative and Senators. I feel that calling is much better than emailing because emails can be generated by bots. Calls, however, can't be faked. A real human being must be on the line to say what must be said, and such communication conveys a special energy from one human to another.If you haven't called your area's representatives before, it's easy...
1) Locate your US Representative by going here and entering your ZIP code (have your four-digit ZIP code extension ready in case there is more than one congressional district in your ZIP). A page will display your representative with a link to his/her website (with my area's rep, her name was the link). Upon going to his/her webpage, locate his/her nearest office and write down the phone number.
2) Locate your US Senators by going here. At the top right, there will be a drop-down menu titled "Find Your Senators." Select your state and a page will display your two Senators with links to their webpages. Go to the webpage of each and write down the phone number of the closest office.
3) When you call, a very polite person will answer. I asked each one, "I have a concern to express on a policy issue. Are you the person I talk to about it?" Each time, the answer was "yes."
4) Express your opinion on the Syria situation. Mine was basically as follows:
"I wanted to express to 'Senator/Representative X' my opposition to using force against Syria. Everyone I talk to knows it's a set up, and we consider a vote for an attack to be a criminal act. We feel VERY strongly about this, so we wanted to encourage 'Senator/Representative X' to vote no on the authorization for the attack on Syria."
5) They might ask you for your ZIP code, your name, and/or your address and phone number (so they know you are one of their constituents). Don't be shy about telling them. The bad guys know where you live already.

Don't let this attack happen without telling the government (and the universe), "NO. I do not consent to this." Set your energy against it and push with all your might.
One never knows which little quantum of energy is the one that breaks the war camel's back....