
Monday, September 9, 2013

Benjamin Fulford Update - September 9, 2013

Fear and hate palpable as final cabal take-down continues

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Nuclear blackmail, threats of more sabotage against Fukushima, attacks on bloggers and the ongoing attempt to start war with Syria are all part of the death throes of the Sabbatean mafia cabal. On the Syrian issue, Pentagon sources say they are giving the Washington politicians enough rope to hang themselves with since it is helping prepare public opinion for mass cabal arrests.

As always though, the cabalists do not plan to vanish quietly into the night and are still hoping to use nuclear terror to star World War 3. In Asia, for example, cabal stooge UN Secretary Ban Ki Moon, together with envoys from cabal puppet Barack Obama, have been busy trying to convince North Korea to stage some sort of provocation but, the North Koreans are having no part of it, according to Chinese government sources.

Ban Ki Moon is the person who tried to bribe the dragon family with $100 million during the 2009 Chiasso incident in order to prevent them from cashing $134.5 billion worth of gold backed bonds they owned. Moon and fellow cabalists also put out lies that the bonds were fake and have been doing everything in their power since that time to keep their control of the money creation process out of the hands of the legitimate owners of historical global assets. Now that the dragons are making a new move,

Moon is freaking out and is up to no good, the Chinese sources say. Due to the sensitive nature of this topic, there is a lot we cannot report other than to say a Dragon family delegation arrived in China with week for a 10-day visit concerning these bonds. There is also confirmation that the Pentagon and the Chinese military support the Dragon family on this issue. We can also say the talks are very concrete, involve the Bank for International Settlements, the Federal Reserve Board and the Committee of 300 and that no major obstacles appear to exist to the cashing of trillions of dollars’ worth of bonds for the purpose of financing a massive anti-poverty campaign. The moderate faction of the cabalists is now on-board.

Those die hard religious fanatics who still think they can provoke China and the US to fight each other in order to fulfill biblical prophecies of Armageddon should take note of friendly US/Chinese joint military exercises taking place in Hawaii this week.

The attempt to start a war in Syria has also become the modern day example of the story of the boy who cried wolf. This time nobody is being fooled. Even the corporate media propaganda machine is falling apart on this issue. Enough has been written and exposed by others on this issue so, suffice it to say our pentagon sources make it clear the US military has no intention of being fooled into yet another war in the Middle East. That is why Israeli submarines are not going to be allowed to shoot missiles in order to provoke war.

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