
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Benjamin Fulford Update - September 17, 2013

P2 Freemasons want Pope Francis to be new M1, the controller of money

The battle over the control of the right to print and distribute dollars, Euros and many other currencies is down to a few factions, according to multiple sources involved in the fight. In Italy, Pope Francis and his faction have won a major power struggle and as a result, the P2 Freemason lodge is now calling for the Pope to be named as M1, the person who decides how money is created and distributed, a senior P2 Freemason source says. However, there is also a strong faction in the US military and agencies who want to completely expunge the entire cabalistic structure.

Meanwhile, a source close to Queen Elizabeth says the committee of 300 that features so strongly in conspiracy literature has been disbanded and that the cabal control of finance is now run by 13 individuals.

The members include Queen Elizabeth, the Dalai Lama, the Sultan of Brunei, Baron Fritz Thysen, Jesuit Secretary General Adolfo Nicholas, David Rockefeller, George Bush Sr., and other still unidentified individuals, including some Chinese members. It is likely the King of Belgium and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands recently resigned from this group.

The Dalai Lama has also been buying lots of real estate in Portugal recently, a possible indication this high-level-demon-pretending-to-be-a-holy-man expects he will soon no longer be welcome in Asia, MI5 sources speculate.

The Rothschild family operates one layer below the money creation committee and take a 2% cut of all dollars, Euros and many other currencies before the money is distributed via big banks like Goldman Sachs and Bank of America, the sources say. The Rothschilds are also behind the bombing and attacks on countries like Syria that do not accept their debt slavery, the committee sources say.

The battle to replace this committee with something new is now down to a few factions including the Pentagon, the Vatican, the BRICS coalition, the former “global warming” faction of the cabal and, still controlling their sock-puppet Obama, the “war on terror faction.” These groups claim “spiritual” or fiat (out of nothing) control over the process of creating money. There are also several groups claiming ownership of the world’s historical assets including the One People’s Public Trust (OPPT) group, the Neil Keenan Group and a coalition of Asian royal families.

The Pentagon and the US agencies seem to be winning for now. It has now been widely reported in cabal controlled media outlets that the NSA is monitoring the SWIFT, Visa and other international financial payment systems. What the cabal controlled media failed to report was that the NSA and their allies are also blocking cabal financial transactions. For example, one of the reasons the recent attempt to start World War 3 in Syria failed was because the trillions of dollars that were supposed to finance this campaign were frozen by Pentagon and agency white hats. That is the real reason why the NSA is being attacked so much in the Zionist press.

Nonetheless, the money remains frozen and yet we still have murderers like Barack Obama and John Kerry appearing on TV sets around the world telling lies, so clearly something is still not right. “Why aren’t they in jail?” so many aware people are asking. We are asking the same thing and the answer we got from several Pentagon contacts was that mass arrests were in the works. As we said many times before, believe it when you see it. As long as that cretin Obama is parading on TV as if he represented a legitimate government, it is not over.

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