
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

“Spiritual Assembly” to convene on September 22 in Rome and twenty one countries

Italian politicians to meet with Kevin Annett and ITCCS to plan "comprehensive campaign to de-secularize" the Vatican

Rome -

The campaign for justice by victims of the Roman Catholic Church took a major step forward this past weekend when two political parties in Italy agreed to meet with ITCCS officials in September.
The meeting will plan what an internal statement calls "a comprehensive political and legal campaign to de-secularize the church and bring it under the rule of law and democratic control".

This campaign will include as its aim the annulment of the so-called Lateran Treaty between Italy and the Vatican which protects the church from prosecution for its crimes against humanity.

Inspired by the August 4 Brussels Declaration of the ITCCS that proclaimed the Roman Catholic Church to be a transnational criminal body under international law, the Italian parties agreed that the time has arrived for "decisive political action in Italy on behalf of all the victims of the papacy". (see, August 3)

The parties in question presently have standing in the Italian Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. Their agreement to engage in unofficial talks with ITCCS representatives, including ITCCS Field Secretary Rev. Kevin Annett, was made on Saturday, August 24 at a joint conference of their respective leadership bodies.

These facts were communicated to the ITCCS Central Office in Brussels that same day through a joint communique signed by spokespeople for the two parties under their pseudonyms "Massimo" and "Maria".

Speaking from Washington D.C. today, Rev. Annett hailed the move as "the break we've all been waiting for".

"Our campaign has always been an inherently political one because of the enormity of the institutional crime we're confronting. So it's gratifying that finally, Italian politicians are taking steps to defang and curtail the power of the Catholic Church as a criminal body – and to not let the money and influence of the Vatican stop them, which has been the case up until now.

"I know their courageous example will not be lost on politicians and governments elsewhere".
For security reasons, the two parties will conduct their September meetings with the ITCCS clandestinely, within Italy and at an undisclosed location in Switzerland.

Meanwhile, the planned convergence of spiritual elders and survivors of church torture on the Vatican on Sunday, September 22 is proceeding with a new vigor.

Entitled "A Global Assembly of Spiritual Reclamation", the equinox event will include simultaneous gatherings, church occupations and "community exorcisms" at Catholic churches in twenty one countries on that same day.

In an August 20 statement issued by Not in Our Name! (Non!), a coalition of Catholic and Protestant clergy based in America that is co-sponsoring the Assembly, it is stated,
"The Vatican has already been legally disestablished and found guilty of abominable crimes in the common law courts of mankind. Now we are spiritually disestablishing that church and creating a new way for Christians to end their legacy of Imperial Christianity, church-protected child rape and genocide. Christ is not the Church.

"This Assembly is a an act of repentance and exorcism, done through the will of God and the least of God's children. Now is the time for all true Christians to leave the false church, and let the dead souls in Rome bury their own dead." *

(* To contact Not in Our Name! write to thecommonland at
Stay tuned  for further announcements of these groups and events.
Issued 26 August, 2013 by ITCCS Central Office, Brussels                     (G. Dufort, Secretary)
itccscentral at