by Preston James

It is staffed by individuals acting as parasites as they conduct their daily activities, here’s why.
The purpose of any parasite is to attach itself to the host and suck all of its lifeblood out of it until the host is dead.
And this is what the criminals inside the Beltway are doing to Americans, their hosts, sucking their lifeblood until America will be destroyed.
This of course is like “killing the goose that laid the Golden Egg”, but apparently these parasites inside the Beltway believe they have a new host such as China, South America or Canada to latch onto and start the blood sucking there when they have finished off America.
“Mankind is not alone in the universe and is as yet, immature in a cosmic sense. What now needs to be digested with a sense of urgency, is that Humanity is facing a grave threat, a challenge to it’s very sovereignty and freedom as integral beings. An unholy, inter dimensional alliance has been working behind the scenes, in the shadows, pulling the strings of authority, its agenda to hybridise new physical forms here on earth.”The Beltway-Bloodsuckers represent the alien interests of the City of London zio banksters who specialize in Babylonian “Money-Magick” and pernicious usury which creates millions of debt-slaves.
Chris Bourne, Alien Intervention on Earth, Waking Times, Aug. 21, 2013
And besides the Beltway-Bloodsuckers represent the zionist Central Bankster system from the City of London, aka the Rothschilds, who want to destroy America the republic as revenge for their winning the Revolutionary War. Their franchisees in America the Rockefellers have been more than willing to do their dirty work and make sure that nearly every single politicians and top USG official is bought off and owned, or compromised in some other way using standard trade-craft.
The big Secret is now out in the open, the USG has been a huge fraud since 1913 and has become hijacked by the zionist Central Banksters operating out of the City of London.
Yes, the big secret is out now that the whole Beltway Complex including the private Federal Reserve, its private collection Agency the IRS which is incorporated in Puerto Rico and the whole Income Tax system is not only completely unConstitutional, but it is a complete violation of civil and criminal RICO law.
It is operating as a big illegal Blood-Sucker, siphoning the economic lifeblood from the American system through the invocation of illegal income taxes, something the American Founding Fathers did their best to prevent with the creation of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
What we have today is a monstrous RICO criminal enterprise which illegally sucks all the wealth from Americans by an illegal tax system which is exactly what the Founding Fathers of America went to war with England to get out of. So we are right back to square one with the evil British central Banksters once again imposing taxation backed up by tyranny against the American people.The subject of Cosmic parasites was also covered on the Mike Harris Radio show, The Short End of the Stick, on Rense Radio Network on 8-14-13 (1). Gordon Duff is a senior editor of Veterans today and a well connected international Intelligence and Security consultant. He can and does periodically reveal information related to alien phenomena but is always careful to avoid any information which could affect Opsec, since he places the welfare of the American Soldier first and would never disclose anything which would place them in operational jeopardy.
What Gordon Duff was willing to mention about Cosmic parasites and black oil smart viruses on the Mike Harris show was very interesting and lends some credence to the previous rumors about such phenomena. At this time it is unknown as to what the full extent is that this Alien/ET threat poses to humankind, but those who want to know more can refer toe Gordon Duff’s excellent article which I believe is a first disclosure of such a troublesome issue which few know about. (2)
Gordon Duff also referenced alleged occurrence when certain select individuals who are selected to be propelled to the highest positions in the world system are during at some point are actually introduced to their own “guide and protector”, what some would describe as a “spirit guide from the dark side”, a master parasite controller, a demon or Jinn, but others would describe as merely an alien ET entity. this description fits with what others have reported who have come out of such systems.
The USG is now operating as a big, out of control blood-sucking parasite upon the American people.
Now it is obvious that the USG is functioning as a large, out of control, blood-sucking parasite upon the American people. Is the USG staffed by folks who actually have ingested what is best described as “spiritual or cosmic parasites” which take their sols and make them operate as criminal sociopaths, according to central hive oriented behavior of an ET or alien entity? The answer is both yes and no. Yes, because most senior USG and SSG officials are believed to have somehow ingested these “spiritual or cosmic parasites”.
The answer is no also because many of the lower level parasites operate as functional sociopaths because they have been selected due to having psychopathic personalities or been found to be easily compromisable by use of the standard “fine art of human compromise” trade-craft tricks , almost always video recorded such as pedophile or honey pot traps, drug usage or various other human compromise ops. These folks typically can easily function as criminal sociopaths given the right reward structure provided to them and the perception of protection or immunity from correction.
Many of them go on to ingest “spiritual or cosmic parasites” which makes their actual behavior even more inhuman, bloodthirsty and savage. Thus the ability to order extra-judicial murders of whistle-blowers like Michael Hastings or Pat Tillman, or to order military actions that constitute mass murder of one’s own soldiers as innocent civilians become instinctive since they have no functioning conscience or soul to prevent such inhuman actions. You can pinch these folks all you want but they no longer act human (at all) and it is evident that they have lost their very own souls which have apparently been stripped from them (if they ever had one at all–because some appear to be born as alien hybrids with no souls–refer to David Icke for a more detailed discussion of this).It seems apparent that those top officials controlling major central banking, Big Oil, Big Pharma, Intel, the Alphabets and Big Defense are infested.
What are these spiritual or cosmic parasites that seem to have infested those who rule the major Central Banking, Big Oil, Big Pharma, Intel, the DHS and the Alphabets, Big defense and the major governments of the world? To answer this one must take a head trip into the esoteric and delve into the “beyond black” secrets of the Secret Shadow Government (SSG). What personality traits or behaviors seem to make folks susceptible and what behaviors and beliefs seem to provide complete protection from becoming personally infested?
If someone has the parasite, they must lie about nearly everything, but everything they say publicly on behalf of the USG must be a lie, they cannot help it. It is habitual behavior for all USG officials to lie through their teeth without being brought to justice. This must change now.
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The TV serial the X Files covered Cosmic Alien/ET parasites.
It has been known for some time and even featured in a famous X Files episode that there is apparently high tech, highly evolved, intelligent alien virus carried by petroleum, called the Black Oil Virus. As the anecdotal reports go this black oil is intelligent has psi properties which can alter mechanical operations of vehicles and objects, and can infest certain vulnerable people then migrate into their brains and generate an obedient “hived” individual which will obey a certain alien/ET group.
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This group is alleged to be evil and malignant, and is now attempting to capture the earth, eugenicize its inhabitants and then terra-form the earth and mine its minerals un-accosted by humans. It is alleged that certain top MJ-12 officials and their scientists have made a special treaty with these entities hoping to gain time to develop counter measures, but in the process have become infected, hived and now serve this alien/ET group being under their Psi-power via the same hiving process which establishes and controls bee hives and ant colonies.
What kind of behavior is allegedly produced by such a Cosmic parasite?
Once one knows what to look for it is fairly easy to identify the presence and effects of such cosmic parasitism infection, because the symptoms involve an almost complete lack of humanity and a concern with generating brute power and mass death. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, it is pretty good guess it is a duck. At times the host’s eyes may show “the presence of evil”.
Look for a complete disconnect from reality, humanity and the Golden Rule.
There is typically a startling and complete emotional “disconnect” between the host’s apparent mood and visible state of privilege, happiness and joy, and the pure evil, tyranny and mass death they perpetrate on the human race, all in the name of “protecting national security” which actually ONLY means protecting their security and the security of the National Security State which is the Secrets Shadow Government, rather than the visible government. Typically these “hosts” express a lethal desire to mass murder in order to supposedly “protect, purify and save the human race” and appear to experience great joy in deploying armies and weapons of mass death and destruction.
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Has this Cosmic parasitism infected missile command as well as top USG officials, politicians, Banksters and judges?
It has also been alleged that some of the very top USG officials, politicians, lobbyists, Judges, Banksters, Intel and Military high command who sit at the top of the Power Control Grid aka the Pyramid of Power have become infected too, and lately a certain number or USAF missile command officers. It seems that those at the top of the pyramid are either Reptoid/Human hybrids or have ingested this parasite. In any event these folks have lost their very souls and consciences (if they ever even had one) and are functioning as soulless, evil criminal psychopaths, doing nearly everything possible to promote tyranny, and to destroy the rule of law and the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Inspection failures at missile launch facilities?
It has been rumored that the recent “inspection failures” at several USAF ICBM missile launch facilities have been due to infestation of this parasite and that the new batch of folks in the high military command are not infected and have been driving out those that have been, after having become aware of this parasite problem. So far, despite ongoing research efforts to develop a medical means of neutralizing the virus, none has yet been developed. However there have been some cases of spontaneous parasite rejection the last few years from individuals developing a sense of right and wrong and a functioning conscience that prevents continuation in that state of parasitic possession.
It is easy to imagine the extreme concern inside the beltway that highly vetted senior USAF missile control officers could become infected and mind-kontrolled with a psi-powered psychic parasite and independently launch upon DC or any foreign capital to start WW3 and appease the “hive controllers” who are alleged to be orbiting the earth in their own large space craft or from a Pacific basin undersea base. And if certain foreign powers have negotiated special treaties with the aliens who have these various kinds of parasitic Psi-powered mind-kontrol, can they gain the use of this technology to create their own ICBM launches of America against America?
There have been at least two very well documented cases where USAF ICBM missiles were deactivated by UFOs hovering above them, which adds confusion to this issue.Thus when you think of Big Oil and Big Pharma, think Fourth Reich, and these same folks also hijacked American intel under Operation Paperclip after WW2.
So basically American intel has been hijacked by the fourth Reich after it absorbed it to fight the cold war which was of course staged by the Banksters in order to create massive cold war profits from an ongoing huge nuclear weapons buildup. but this was not enough, the Banksters needed many small perpetual wars to keep the Cosmic Parasite fed with 24/7 extreme human suffering and did their best to appease the hive or demons/Jinns controlling them. All wars are Bankster wars designed for massive war-profiteering with and that is a well-established fact.
The obvious goal of DHS is to turn America into the world biggest open air prison camp, GAZA II. DHS was started and is now still run by Israeli-American dual citizens who are actually “Israeli-Firsters” and only care about making America their slave state or police enforcer so they can hijack and control the whole world on behalf of the zionist Central Banksters run out of the City of London, the Rothschilds. DHS was set up as a neo-Bolshevik terror organization designed to morph itself into a Red Terror Checka murder machine to be used to mass murder approximately 80% of the American Citizens (they call “dumb goya”).
Is the USG “playing possum” right now to avoid major flak?
And now both Napolitano and Holder have resigned but are staying on until later this years. Are they “playing possum” to keep flak from the USG until another major 911 type massive false flag attack is instituted by the SSG and complete martial Law is invoked as the SHTF at their design? If they are serious they must resign right now for their extreme crimes against “we the people”.
Americans remained armed with high powered firearms and constitute the world’s biggest army. All attempts to disarm Americans will fail and revolution would result first.
Because top USG officials are “infected with a psychic parasite, they cannot fathom this reality and Americans are a sleeping giant that once awakened will take back their republic no matter what the cost.
What these parasite infested top of the pyramid of control criminal psychopaths do not understand is that America, unlike Bolshevik Russia in 1917 is armed to the teeth and despite all their actions to disarm Americans, they will fail and eventually will be driven out of power one way or another. Their massive weapon and ammo stockpiles will be eventually sacked, and its a good bets that many which are held in storage are already being pilfered by their own for black-market profits. And rest assured, like most defense contracts, a lot of so-called ammo shipments never really arrive, but the profits from these non-existent shipments get shared as kickback with the “top dogs” who order them.
The 911 attacks were NeoCon driven False-flag attacks planned and run by American Traitors and zionist Infil-Traitors apparently infested with a Cosmic parasite.
One does not have to be a Rhodes Scholar to connect the dots and figure out that the some JCS/USAF/Norad Traitors, NeoCons and Mossadniks did the 911 attacks to create a false pretext for all these illegal, unprovoked, undeclared, unConstitutional wars in the Mideast. these parasites are a hungry bunch and demand to be fed with the constant extreme humans suffering created by these perpetual wars which result in millions of deaths, woundings, disabilities and intense ongoing human suffering that is almost unimaginable.

The amount of human suffering these SSG and USG top controllers have created is unimaginable and beyond the ability of most normal human being to comprehend. These parasite infested or demon/Jinn occupied controllers don’t give a damn about all the hell on Earth and suffering they cause as long as they make massive war profits and maintain power, wealth and privilege.
It appears that these alien/ET parasites and their hosts must operate according to “Cosmic Rules of Play”.
The best evidence to date is that these Cosmic Parasites must operate according to Cosmic Rules of Play which require advance notice of what their recipients are planning to do, and consent in order to infect. Violation of the Golden rule and maltreatment towards one’s neighbor provides apparent consent for the initial phases of infection, and if that individual persists in violating the Golden Rule, infestation will increase.
When such person becomes completely compromised due to giving into temptations not blocked by an operational conscience, infestation can become final and the soul can be snatched. There are however those that have rebelled later on, and gone public. Some have been murdered for talking, a few have survived and still talk about it.It appears that public exposure of the evil acts of those infested with these Cosmic parasites tends to create a massive shame block and seems to neutralize their evil power, kind of like ripping back the curtain and exposing the Wizard of Oz (as in ounce of Gold). The bottom line is that when these evil masters at the top of the pyramid are exposed one by one publicly they are exposed as the King with New Clothes that is actually naked, and their subjects will stop BS’ing them and telling them how great their new clothes look when there aren’t any, and will also stop being subjects.
Possession by Demons or Jinns has been reported by those who are involved at high levels in esoteric, occult organizations based on luciferianism or satanism.
Some individuals who have been high level members of luciferian or satanic occult organizations have reported that “demon guides” have appeared during human blood sacrifice rituals or blood oaths and are assigned to certain members who sell their souls in order to receive riches, power and prestige as well as eventual promotion to top USG positions or high corporate or banking positions which provide such.
In order to become a host to these Cosmic parasites, it appears that one must at one level or another be a willing recipient and be willing to give up their own free will by giving some kind of consent to the parasite.To date the best anecdotal evidence is that willing individuals can become hosts to various types of Cosmic parasites which in actuality are energy vampires that insist on and require constant human suffering provided by poverty, urban degeneration, famine, hunger, starvation, plagues, war, murders, anxiety, depression, fighting and discord and any kind of evil in the human species. Allegedly these parasites render their hosts obedient to the overall goals of the hive which is to create 24/7 human bloodletting, misery, death and unimaginable human suffering.
Truth and exposure that the “King is naked” seems to be the best antidote to these Cosmic psychic parasites.
The six major mass media are owned and controlled by a consortium of central Banksters, thus providing major control and vetting of all major news to stay with certain allowed parameters. This means in actual terms that almost all major network news is basically false, twisted or psyops upon the American people.
The worldwide Internet poses a huge threat to these six Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM). Never before in history have so many people had so much immediate access to truth and history at their fingertips. The alternative media and news is growing daily and has already surpassed the news provided by the CMMM which is basically functioning as a mind-kontrol media to keep the public believing the lies of their naked king.
Once the folks realize that their King is actually Naked and has no new clothes at all, they will stop believing anything the King says including that he is even their King. Truth can no longer be kept hidden, far too many former and current USG, SSG and Intel officials as well as DOD contractors are coming forth and disclosing darned near every single secret except the launch codes. And certainly the daily penetration of the alternative news on the worldwide Internet is a major factor that seems to be exposing the USG lies more and more each day. There will be many, many more truth tellers and whistle-blowers like Edward Snowden, Russell Tice, and Mark Novitsky and many more that have come forth, exposed massive USG crimes and suffered terribly for being good citizens and reporting high crimes by the USG and DOD contractors.
The public is starting to be outraged by all the out of control warrant-less spying against innocent Americans. There is absolutely no home grown terrorism inside American, only mentally retarded or mentally ill patsies set up and entrapped by the FBI. The only real terrorists are the alphabets and DHS which are certainly RICO criminal syndicates according to Federal Law.And if Quantum computer secrets have been discovered by the Chinese and Americans, it is only a matter of time that cryptography will cease to be effective and there will likely be a complete end to all secrecy which should make the world situation very, very interesting. (3)
For a new view of the current state of parasitism in the USG leaders and corporate leaders and a suggestion of how to force a major change for good in the system, Thrive presents an interesting perspective that warrants investigation and consideration. Complete exposure of the super-elite deviants “game” is suggested, accompanied by the development and deployment of New forms of Tesla style free energy which are independent from oil and fossil fuels are suggested as a way to make a huge end-run around the evil system in place right now that rules the world with Petroleum and the US Petro-Dollar.
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Thrive also has an interesting summary of current world financial events and the attempts of the City of London Central Banksters to control world events and how to counter them.
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(2) Gordon Duff,