Wilcock, Fulford, and the Cabal Dialectic
When you are engrossed in the battle between the dark knight and white knight occurring on the public stage... are distracted from the puppet masters and their agenda in pulling the strings.
After reading David Wilcock's latest reporting of the good guy / bad guy dialectic being staged by the Occulted Powers, I decided to dust off an entry from my old blog and update & enhance it for what is happening now. So here goes....
If you've been following the Clown Posse narrative coming from such figures as David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford, you've been treated to quite a tale of alliance versus alliance and spy versus spy. And pondering the pitched battle being orchestrated between the Cabal's European wing and Asian wing, one wonders how many of the participants know what's really going on.
Back in the Cold War days, U.S. and Russian military and intelligence forces engaged in quite sincere skirmishes as each vied against the other, its supposed "enemy." Meanwhile, deep under the ground in Australia and other places, U.S. and Russian scientists were working together on Illuminati genetic engineering and antigravity research projects. And in the days of World War 2, Allied and Axis military and intelligence units fought desperate battles for national survival. Meanwhile, the "elite" royals, financiers and industrialists met behind the scenes to ensure that both sides were financed and equipped for battle and to leak information from one side to the other to sway the tide of conflict.
Today, just as it was back then, compartmentalized minions on the middle levels of the power and awareness pyramid unwittingly play out the games of divide and conquer, while those at the top of the pyramid pull the strings and reap the dividends. Their current drama is a contrived clash of East versus West as the puppeteers attempt to lock down the whole planet under the Beast System. And who is narrating this WWE-style scripted conflict? Wilcock, Fulford, Poof/Zap, Canauzzie, Heneghan, the Dinar Gurus, the Galactic Federation of Light channelers, and all the rest of the Clown Posse crew.
Oh, I forgot to mention Keenan...

To help put things into better perspective, have a look at this graphic I encountered on the internet...

...It seems to be a fairly accurate representation of the world system except for what's at the very top. And looking at it while pondering the dramas of which David writes, you'll notice that they are all taking place at the middle levels of the pyramid where the public fronts (central banks, corporations, governments, intelligence agencies, militaries, NGOs, etc.) of the Occulted Powers interface with the public. If you've been awake for a while, you'll know that these front groups are not the ones that determine what happens in our world; the powers that set them up and tell them what to do are the ones who are in charge.
In response to David's article, I considered doing a point-by-point refutation, but that would simply dilute the point that common sense and an awareness of how the Occulted Powers operate are all you really need to figure out what's going on. But I will bring up one subject he mentioned because it is rather illustrative of how fanciful his interpretations are: the Super Bowl power outage.
He claims that the outage was a sign from the "positive alliance," but if you consider the fact that it occurred immediately following Beyonce's Satanic song and dance ritual (not during it, which would have been disruptive), that it lasted for about 33 minutes, and that it left half of the stadium in darkness and the other half in light... start to ask yourself who is really behind such dark/light symbolism...

The most obvious interpretation for what happened at the Super Bowl is that the outage was a planned part of Beyonce's ritual. True Light beings do not waste their time with such symbolic bullsh*t.
And the Circus of the Absurd goes on...
...until we fully awaken to it.