
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ken's Blog: Syria Watch

Syria Watch

Zo, Barry, you attack Syria to provide provocation, and we attack back, da?...

I've decided to post this entry to provide observations of the Syria situation as it unfolds in real time. And the first things I'd like to take note of are some peculiarities...

> Isn't it peculiar how the "evil" Western plans for Syria keep getting leaked to the public, such as the master plan for training "rebels" to overturn the regime and the specific plan to deploy chemical weapons and blame it on Assad?

> Isn't it strange how the Western intelligence services keep making simple mistakes like supposedly posting the chemical attack evidence on the web before it actually occurred?

> Isn't it interesting how all this makes the West look like evil villains (wicked NATO!), allows Putin to come forward as the big hero who bravely stands behind his allies (virtuous BRICS!), and presents the globalist-run United Nations as the impartial arbiters who brave gunfire to collect the chemical attack evidence and who speak out to forestall the West's planned attack?


Have you ever seen a cop show where the investigator comes across a crime scene containing "an orgy of evidence," and he later discovers that it was too good to be true and was a frame-up all along? Well, my friends, welcome to CSI: Syria. And welcome to the orgy of evidence that is being neatly laid out before you. I've warned repeatedly about the contrived NATO versus BRICS conflict, and that it was all occurring to usher in the new system and have you meet it with open arms. Are you falling for the setup?

If you are a new reader, here are two entries that lay out the overview of their plan as I currently understand it...

From a worldly NWO perspective: David Wilcock and the Real NWO, Part 2 of 2
And from a woo woo perspective: An Overview of the Luciferian/Satanic Blueprint

And by the way, the computer system at First Convenience Bank Texas (my bank) is completely down this morning, and no one can transact business at any of the branches. Funny how all these "glitches" and cyber attacks are occurring at the same time as this Syria stuff, ain't it?

I'll be updating this entry as the situation unfolds, so stay tuned....