Our Relationship with Source, Part 3B: The Differentiation of Source
In the previous entries of this series, I shared my views on the false god concept, on why we are God, and on how Source differentiates into souls. In this entry, I'll share how I see our souls branching off into different realities.To begin, let's represent Source as this line segment...

Now imagine that two souls, yours and mine, branch off from Source...

Since both of our souls are conscious, we have ideas (shown here as ellipses), so we branch off parts of ourselves to explore those ideas...

...I call these branches "soul extensions."
As a soul extension explores an idea, it may wish to branch off parts of itself to experience the idea from different points of view...

...I call these branches "spirits."
Looking at my current Ken incarnation from this perspective, I perceive that I am a spirit that has branched off from my soul extension (which is exploring the idea that is this universe). This allows my soul extension to experience this universe from a human perspective. And my soul extension itself is a branch of my soul, which transcends this universe but has chosen to explore it.
But why do I see Source differentiating in this manner? Because I observe how I differentiate myself into roles in this human life, then I apply what I see to the higher levels of consciousness. So let's explore how we take parts of ourselves and branch them off into different roles within this world....
Human life requires us to take on a broad variety of roles. One can take the role of worker, businessperson, mother, father, son, daughter, husband, wife, friend, student, teacher, artist, writer, soldier, tennis player, and many others. Some of these roles are thrust upon us by our social environment (such as son, daughter, student, etc.), but most are ones that we choose because they hold some interest for us. So as you see a role such as artist, writer, or tennis player that appeals to you, you branch off a part of your life (consisting of your time and energy) into that role. And within the role, you experience part of the sensory texture offered by this world.
If we extend this observation into higher levels of consciousness using the "as below, so above" principle, we see that just like our spirit consciousnesses survey this world to choose the roles in which to invest their time and energy, our soul extensions do the same thing. They survey this universe and decide the forms, such as human, reptilian, bird, flower, etc. in which to invest their time and energy. Likewise, our souls survey the limitless universes and decide into which ones they will extend.
All this being said, I can think of other ways that consciousness can be differentiated, and I have heard additional ideas from others as well. And it may be that consciousness is exploring those different methods in universes that were created for that purpose. But of all the ways I've heard and imagined, this way is the one that resonates the most with me as being Source's main method.
Now that I've shared it with you, do I expect you to adopt it over your own current model? Of course not. But this is the lens through which I view Creation, so I wanted you to have it so you'll be able to see what I see.
In the movie National Treasure, the lead character uses a pair of glasses with many lenses to read a map that was drawn with different types of invisible inks...

So if you add my lens to your glasses, perhaps you'll see something you haven't seen before, and the view through your own chosen lens will take on new dimensions. And having my lens will definitely help you to understand where I'm coming from when I start breaking down many of the questionable spiritual principles that have been circulating through our collective consciousness. Before I delve into all that, though, I'll be writing one more entry called "Systems of Reality." This is the final tool in the toolkit we'll use to strip down all the spiritual beliefs around us and rebuild something more solid in their place.
Till then, much love....