Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Ken's Blog: The Event, the Beast, and the Dinar

If an Event should transpire, Don't Panic...

...and know where your towel is.

Since my second awakening back in late 2009, I've been possessed by a feeling that something big is going to happen. Now, almost four years later, I find myself getting tired of being in a state of constant anticipation of an Event, and I am reconsidering everything that led me to such a belief. Are the Occulted Powers (OPs) really going to attempt a giant leap with their agenda, or will they continue the slow boil approach that has worked so well for them so far?

The way I look at it, the answer to this question lies in whether the woo woo side of the OPs is real or not. If there really is an ET/ED force behind the earthly "elites," and if they really are intending to come openly upon the scene, I think a big Event is likely. After having their Illuminati minions expose their own dark doings and create a peak crisis situation, they'll want an Event to suddenly catapult us out of that great darkness and into great (false) light. In doing so, they're hoping the resulting massive emotional release of relief and exhilaration will overwhelm our reason and cause us to not look a gift horse in the mouth.

Just look at the world "crises" that are coming to a peak soon...

> A civil war in Egypt seems to be waiting on a trigger event to occur.
> A racial war in South Africa may be awaiting the mere unplugging of Nelson Mandela's life support machines.
> A likely nuclear attack has occurred in Homs, Syria, which could lead to a widening of conflict in the Middle East region and beyond.
> Fukushima engineers are declaring a containment emergency and saying we might have only three weeks until a massive radioactive release into the ocean.
> The US Government has been fudging its debt numbers since May in order to remain under the legal debt ceiling, and it faces a new fiscal year on October 1. Simultaneously, politicians are threatening a government shutdown and a crashing of the old financial system by reinstating Glass-Steagall.

And this is to name but a few. So with such an overwhelming plate of ills (economic ruin, massive radioactive contamination, civil war, nuclear war) placed before us, what are we to do? Reach out for the "saviors" to come, that's what. These crises have been deliberately engineered, because "crisis brings opportunity" to those who have agendas to sell.

"Run, RUN to the light [side of the containment pyramid] !!!"...

On the other hand, if all the woo woo stuff is just an opiate for the masses meant to distract us from a very earthly agenda carried out by a very earthly group of families, they will likely continue their incremental approach to putting their Beast System in place. By drawing out the changes in such a way that they occur over a longer span of time than the average human attention span, they slide it right by most of us. And why change something that works?

Looking at the Event question from both angles, I've personally decided to give it till the end of the year to play out, then I'll change the way I look at things. Given all the signs of an impending Event I see around me, it seems premature to rule one out quite yet. And if one fails to transpire this year despite all the signs I'm seeing, then it probably will never happen. What I'm seeing might merely be lying signs put out by mass media engaging in psywar.

Going back to the Beast System I mentioned (which is what I call the rumored new financial system), it is important to note that the NSA has vowed that Beast Central (the new Utah Data Center) will be completed by the end of the fiscal year on September 30. This is another point to consider in pinpointing the timing for a possible Event. And while I know that many are hoping the new system will be the wonderful thing the Clown Posse has sold it as, I ask you to set aside their empty promises for a moment and look at the reality surrounding you...

> The OPs have embedded RFID chips in/on all corporate consumer products, including food. Here is a picture of Hitachi's smart dust chips shown with a sugar crystal (center)...

> They have perfected the technology for embedding RFID chips in paper cash and coins.
> They have perfected the technology for embedding RFID chips in you, both through smartdust and injections...

> And they have surrounded you with networked devices to read all those RFID chips so everyone and everything can be tracked from Beast Central.

To verify that last point, just go outside and look at the smart meters, the cell phone towers, and the sensors at the intersections. Then go back inside and look at your cable box, Wi-Fi modem, gaming system, computer and mobile phone. After that, go to the store and look at the new card terminals and the biometric security cameras. We all know what these things are advertised to do, but what else can they do that is left unadvertised? Just look to the Snowden revelations to start to get the picture.

To give one real-world example, I saw this new type of card reader show up at my grocery store just recently...

...As you can see, it is equipped with near field communication (NFC) technology to talk to computer chips. So let me use it to give you an example of what life under the Beast System will eventually look like...

One day, I go to the store to buy some mangoes. Upon getting to the checkout counter, a security camera reads my face and compares it to a national biometric database, while the NFC card terminal scans the chips of my driver's license and ATM card in my pocket. The system confirms that I am "Ken the Bastard Blogger ( KBB )," so the NFC unit sends a signal to the smart dust I breathed in from the chemtrails or ate in my food (or to the chip that was injected in my arm during a vaccination) and they are flashed with my identity, KBB. I am now trackable wherever I go.

Since KBB is a "white Al Qaida dissident conspiracy theorist fear monger" who dares to challenge our loving government's "truth," a code in the Homeland Security server dictates...

No mango for you!...

As a result, I find that my debit card is declined, even though I supposedly have currency in my account. And when I try to pay with cash and coins, I find they too are declined as "counterfeit" because of "digital inconsistencies in the embedded chips." So I ask someone else to purchase them for me, and they later get a visit from the "authorities" because the smart dust on the mangoes they bought gets tracked to KBB's unapproved stomach. "Are you a supporter of domestic terrorists?" they ask.

So is this some dystopian paranoid nightmare? Oh yes, but it is also real. Go look at the things I asked you to look at and tell me they're not there. They are there. What isn't there is all the warm and fuzzy BS the Clown Posse has been promising you all this time. This isn't about "good" secret societies saving you from bad secret societies; this is about secret society members in dark masks scaring you into the arms of their brothers and sisters in white masks. It's about the SOSNC (Same Ol' Sh*t, New Cycle).

All this being said, will they hand out some cash to everyone on Earth to kick off the new system? Probably, since they want every human on the Earth to accept, use and become dependent on the new system. And once everyone is fat, happy and hooked, will they start to restrict the "financial privileges" of those who don't toe the line of ever-more-encroaching "good behavior" standards? You bet your ass they will.

For supplementary information on the Beast System, you might want to read two of my previous entries: Lightworkers, welcome to the Borg: Basel III and Total Financial Control and Another Day, Another Delay (of the new Beast Financial System).

Finally, let's discuss the matter of the Iraqi dinar. There are lots of people out there who are thinking they'll get rich quick with no effort because they "invested" in the war-ravaged dinar. Let's have a closer look at that expectation....

Personally, I've never purchased any dinar. Whenever I would see a dinarian headline, it reminded me of the subject line of the penny stock spam emails I sometimes get, and it just seems a little too good to be true. So before I'd ever put my money into anything like that, I'd definitely look at both sides of the argument first, then do a little thinking of my own. Having done that yesterday, I'll share with you what I found.

Upon locating a dinar selling site, I encountered this information...

"The Iraq Dinar was worth $3.22 USD (U.S. Dollars) in 1992. After the first Gulf War the Dinar dropped in value to approximately $0.30, under the U.S. Embargo. Iraq is now free to trade internationally and most of it's international debt has been relieved. If the Iraq Dinar returns to pre-war levels of $0.30 a 1000 Dinar note would be worth $300.00!

If the Dinar returns to pre-Gulf War levels, 1,000 Dinar will be worth over $3,100.00... and experts are saying that it will, as it's value has SKYROCKETED over the past couple of years!

The current Iraq Dinar (IQD) was introduced for a 1:1 exchange rate to new Dinars between October 2003 and January 2004 by the Coalition Provisional Authority in close consultation with financial experts from Iraq and the international community."

And after seeking out the other side of the argument, I encountered this...

"Many dinar dealers refer to the value of the Iraqi dinar prior to the 1990 Kuwaiti invasion (1 dinar = $3+ US Dollars) as evidence that the potential for the dinar is theoretically unlimited. They don’t mention that the pre-1990 dinar has been demonetized (worthless) and that its value was arbitrarily set by an autocratic regime led by Saddam Hussein. Following the embargo, the ability for the Iraqi government to manage its currency’s value collapsed and it spent the next 10 years at 2,000 – 3,500 dinars to the U.S. Dollar [so Saddam was declaring the official value at over 3 dollars, but the money changers in the street were giving you a few thousand dinars for every dollar]...

It is quite common for countries with currencies that have very low values compared to other currencies to demonetize their existing hard currency and issue new currency with new values. For example, the Venezuelans (another oil economy) demonetized the bolivar (trading at 2,150 to the USD) in 2008 and allowed currency owners to exchange 1,000 of them for 1 new bolivar. The new bolivar now trades at 2.15 to the USD."

So when the new financial system is locked in, how will they handle the Iraqi currency? Will they go the Venezuelan route and have everyone trade in their current new dinars for new new dinars? If so, how will the value of the new new dinar compare to a new dollar? Or will they go the route of the yen and leave the dinar a non-subunitized currency worth a fraction of the US dollar? Let me explain that last question.

Although the US dollar is our basic unit of currency, it has circulated subunits (coins worth less than a dollar) as small as a penny (1/100th of a dollar). Currencies like the Japanese yen have no circulated subunits (their smallest coin is 1 yen), so it is as though they base their currency on the penny. The smallest coin currently in Iraq is the 25 dinar coin, so will the Iraqis continue to treat their currency like the Japanese treat the yen? If so, you won't likely see a huge jump in value.

In addition to these points, let me add another: how many dinars have the banksters been cranking out to fill their own vaults and to sell to dinarians with the promise of getting rich quick? If they've printed a bazillion of them for themselves and others, the dinar's future value will reflect that.

But let's suspend disbelief for a moment and imagine that the dinarians' dreams come true: under a new financial system where a nation's currency is backed by the real wealth of the nation, the current new dinar gets revalued to over 3 dollars per dinar. Many dinar holders would then become rich, but at whose expense?

Since the value of the dinar was undermined by decades of Western sanctions, Western wars, and Western occupation, those who bought them at their depreciated value are war profiteers. Since the dinar represents the virtualized wealth of Iraq, your purchase of war-depreciated dinars is no different than sneaking in behind the US soldiers and taking spoils from the Iraqis' decimated homes. You have appropriated their wealth at a fraction of its real value, just like a Rothschild would. Think about that. Is that something you want to be a part of?

So if you do get a favorable RV and become "rich," consider all the people who were killed, maimed, and born deformed so you could get a piece of Iraq's pie. If I were a dinarian, I would set my intention towards doing something wonderful with that wealth, and preferably in Iraq. Given my experience with my son, I'd buy a ticket to Iraq and start helping the families of kids who were born with defects due to depleted uranium exposure. I'd make sure they have a decent place to live, food to eat, and a business with which they could make a life. And I'd help as many as I could until all that's left is the airfare back home. What would you do?

That being said, I wouldn't hold my breath in expectation that people will go from giving 1,164 dinars for every dollar to giving only 0.3. That is a swing in value that would be beyond absurd.

In closing, do I think humanity will get through this and begin a real, non-Luciferian Golden Age? Yes, I do. When I query my heart over the future of humanity, I feel no worry at all. As to how we'll do it, I've offered some suggestions in past entries, but I really don't know how it will end up unfolding. The only thing I know for sure is that a weak and fearful mental attitude serves no one in times such as these. It is time to nut up, my beloved brothers and sisters.

When I face times of difficulty, there is a paraphrase of a passage from the Bhagavad Gita that I like to remember...

Why this lifeless dejection in this, thy hour of trial?
Throw off this ignoble discouragement
and arise like a fire that burns all before it

I send you my love....
