Saturday, August 31, 2013

Is This Evidence Syrian Rebels used Chemical Weapons?

Syria's dirty little secret

Hello my name is Peter F.W. of

Recently a fellow info broker of mine found this video. I really need to get this out to everyone I can find.

Again, Spread this to anyone and everyone you can find. I IMPLORE you that this is 100% from a legitimate source.

Chemical weapons ARE being used. But by who that is up to your discretion. Syria has its dirty little secret that they don't want the people to know. One way or another the UN is doing what is possible to keep this under cover of darkness. But I see this as an opportunity to keep things on an even level. Showing WHO might have actually done it might settle things once and for all.

Please this is urgent. Anyone who I can send this to(again) I will. Regardless of how many times I do send it. This must get out!