Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Insider "daniel" Is Back With A New Chapter Titled 'New World Religion'

The Gaping (w)HOLE; the missing “Half” of ALL Context

Introducing daniel’s new paper of:
New World Religion-
Enslaving the Human Spirit with a Blue Beam
Part 2 of the Hidden Origin of Homo Sapiens
god said
Send in the Clowns (Posse)
I decided to write this short intro as daniel’s next paper is published for all to see. This is one of my favorites so far because its written so well, is funny, and has very little ‘tech talk” in it which makes it really comprehensible to us lay persons.

I can’t speak for the rest of you, but one thing that stands out to me is that nearly everything I interact with today whether its media, internet articles, videos, interviews, tv,etc…is so blatantly wrong! For me, this is because it all has a huge gaping (w)HOLE that is missing! I call this gaping (w)hole, the missing “half” of all context.

I say this because everything we come into interaction with is tainted, flawed, and perverted with only “half” of the correct information or context. So really, its only “half” of the whole.

The missing half of the context I am talking about is the fundamental thing that daniel writes about in all of his papers, the aspect of Motion that exists as the basis of all physics, and that Motion is the reciprocal interaction of Time and Space. Together!

Continue Reading & Download New Chapter At Conscioushugs.Com