US Special Operations Will NOT Back Off or Stand Down. We are coming after YOU Traitors!
We did not sign up to be sold out. No more dying for Liars!
"This is one more of many reasons why we need the
House Select Committee
with subpoena power to
find and uncover the TRUTH." -
Col Dick Brauer.
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Dennis B. Haney - Lt Col, USAF (Ret)
Wild Weasel # 1023dbh.ww1023@verizon.net
(C) 443-545-4921
Operations CoordinatorSpecial Operations Speaks
(C) 443-545-4921
Operations CoordinatorSpecial Operations Speaks
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"SOS is not in a position to fully evaluate the
reliability of the following report. We offer it to you as one possible
explanation for the impetus behind the attack on our personnel and facilities in
Benghazi. Muslim extremists in Egypt have long been an important core of
the movement that led to the creation of Al Qaeda. The current head of Al
Qaeda, Dr. Ayman Zwahiri, is an Egyptian and has long been implicated in
terrorist attacks in Egypt and, subsequently, via his role as Osama Bin Laden's
number two. The possibility of Egyptian involvement in this attack cannot
be ruled out."
The Muslim Brotherhood's Connection to Benghazi

Kevin McCullough
Jul 01, 2013
Wednesday June 26, 2013 reports began to pop up across the Arabic world
citing an internal Libyan government memo that has not yet been
acknowledged in the American press.
The memo is pictured here:
The memo is pictured here:
![]() |
*Photo Courtesy of Raymond Ibrahim |
Multiple sources have confirmed this document details several confessions of the six Egyptians in Libyan custody for the 9.11.12 bombing of the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.
The document details the involvement of the Muslim Brotherhood and Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi as being involved with and in the funding, support, planning, and execution of the attack.
What is unique about this document is that its content wasn't leaked to the press in some sort of salacious move. This is simply an interdepartmental memo from the Libyan National Security offices in Tripoli to the Ministry of the Interior. Written solely as a perfunctory after-action report as the results of the Libyan investigation in the events of that night.
It was prepared by Mahmoud Ibrahim Sharif, the Director of National Security of Libya.
In his report Sharif conveys that the Libyan investigation unearthed an Egyptian (terror) cell that had been involved in the planning and execution of the attack. Six confessions from those arrested at the scene--all of them Egyptian--and all connected to the U.S. terror watch listed group Ansar al-Sharia.
Concerning the most important claim of the Libyan memo, Raymond Ibrahim, (an American research librarian, translator, and author, whose focus is Arabic history, language, and current events) indicates that "during interrogations, these Egyptian jihadi cell members 'confessed to very serious and important information concerning the financial sources of the group and the planners of the event and the storming and burning of the U.S. consulate in Benghazi…. And among the more prominent figures whose names were mentioned by cell members during confessions: Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi...'"
The investigation also seems to have unearthed a video taken the night of the attack in which members of the jihadists identify themselves as being sent personally by "Dr. Morsi."
If in fact Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi was even remotely involved, tacitly aware, or even seen giving nodding approval, why on earth did President Obama turn around and deliver 16 fighter jets and 200 tanks to the Egyptian regime roughly three months later?
Why was Morsi invited to the White House in September 2012? Then invited for December 5, 2012? Then February 2013, then March? Why does his visit get continually postponed as though the White House seems to know something about him and his visit that they are not comfortable with?
Why was the President so thoroughly unreachable when the attack took place, and for a period of six to eight hours, incapable of accounting for where he was as the worst of it played out?
Why did Hillary Clinton give her support to the Brotherhood's pet project at the United Nations--to declare blasphemy of Islam a global crime?
Why did the Obama White House and the National Security Council meet with and host a Muslim Brotherhood radical on June 13, 2013? (Who is the personal assistant to a terrorist so extreme his presence is not even allowed in the U.S.?) And only confess to it when it finally is reported by the press?
And why does the current administration have as many as a half dozen mid to upper level appointees that have ties to the Muslim Brotherhood--either directly or through Brotherhood member organizations?
If you thought the answer the White House gave us on the IRS targeting of conservative groups was lame, wait till we get answers to these questions!
This document was merely a finding of the internal investigation of the Libyan investigators the Libyan internal authorities, but its findings should be printed on the front page of the New York Times.
The very sad reality of this Libyan memo, may be something too harsh for the average American to grasp.
Is it possible that something even more sinister was playing out on the night of 9.11.12, and the rationale for all the lies about the incendiary video, and Dr. Susan Rice, and the changing of the story during a Presidential debate, was in fact to keep us from having the bigger story told?
Was Egypt part of the intentional set-up with the out-of-the-blue protest at the American embassy initiated by the Morsi government to help give the Obama administration the cover for the narrative about "the video?"
There is no doubt that when Obama had the choice to assist Hosni Mubarak--who while far from perfect--kept a tight leash on the extremist elements under his rule, chose instead to push Mubarak aside in favor of the Brotherhood's Mohamed Morsi.
And the questions persist... "why?"
Another question that also now rises: “Will the White House press corps do its job and press for answers on Egyptian involvement in 09.11.12?”
Will Congressional committees re-evaluate aid to Egypt in light of this finding? Will ANYONE in Washington take a step to do what is right, to make amends to a slain ambassador's family, the families of two Navy Seals, and a retired Airman who all lost their lives trying to serve the country they believed in?
There are a lot of questions to be answered just from the revelation of this report.
Does anyone care to do what is necessary for justice in light of it?