The old Declaration of Independence has been effectively thrown out. A new plan for world order is underway.
In 1975, as the United States of America approached 200 years as a nation, the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia issued a bold declaration of the attempt to build a “new world order,” penned by Henry Steele Commager.
We call upon the American people, on the threshold of the third century of their national existence, it reads in part, urging the importance of state borders to fade as power to global structures grows.
This Declaration of Interdependence defiantly calls upon the American people to “bring forth a new nation and inaugurate a new era in human history” and strengthen and expand the United Nations “and its specialized agencies,” as well as other international authorities, and to recognize that no one nation can stand alone any longer.
Production and economies can no longer escape regulation from the international authorities, nor do the oceans or pollution in air fall under the borders of any one nation. Keeping population numbers at a sustainable level in balance with the earth are duties of each nation and enforceable by worldwide authorities under the new understanding of global government.
“WE AFFIRM that a world without law is a world without order,” the document reads which was which reportedly signed 32 Senators and 92 Representatives from the United States via the World Affairs Council.
The bold declaration of the founding fathers in casting off the chains of its oppressive mother Great Britain has been effectively undone by the many ropes binding down the earth under the many international authorities established under global treaty.
It reads like the broader implications of Agenda 21, or the more concise cliff notes version of the agenda posted on the Georgia Guidestones.
World Affairs Council of Philadelphia, 1975
A Declaration of Interdependence
When in the course of history the threat of extinction confronts mankind, it is necessary for the people of the United States to declare their interdependence with the people of all nations and to embrace those principles and build those institutions which will enable mankind to survive and civilization to flourish.
Two centuries ago our forefathers brought forth a new nation; now we must join with others to bring forth a new world order. On this historic occasion it is proper that the American people should reaffirm those principles on which the United States of America was founded, acknowledge the new crises which confront them, accept the new obligations which history imposes upon them, and set for the causes which impel them to affirm before all peoples their commitment to a Declaration of Interdependence.
We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that the inequalities and injustices which afflict so much of the human race are the product of history and society, not of God or nature; that people everywhere are entitled to the blessings of life and liberty, peace and security and the realization of their full potential; that they have an inescapable moral obligation to preserve those rights for posterity; and that to achieve these ends all the peoples and nations of the globe should acknowledge their interdependence and join together to dedicate their minds and their hearts to the solution of those problems which threaten their survival.
Let us then join together to vindicate and realize this great truth that mankind is one, and as one will nobly save or irreparably lose the heritage of thousands of years of civilization. And let us set forth the principles which should animate and inspire us if our civilization is to survive.
Read the full article at: truthstreammedia.com