ALL patriot American MUST know,
with sources
American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL reporting
what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist,
American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL reporting
what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist,
extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive

Thursday June 20, 2013
The Second American Revolution Will Now Proceed Relentlessly
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that 16 Chinese banks face financial collapse
given their over exposure from naked cross-collateralized derivatives tied to
the British MI6 bank HSBC.
can also divulge that
the criminal, out-of-control privately-owned U.S. Federal Reserve, along
with the criminal National Security Agency (NSA), has been using
illegal electronic
front running high frequency trading to attack the U.S. bond market as
"bail out" the ass backwards derivative holdings of JPMorgan Chase
and the Bank of Israel.
We can also report that
Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke's QE financial schemes were never
designed to help the American middle class but were designed to support the
derivative holdings of the foreign state of Israel, which currently controls
80% of the U.S. media, along with the U.S. Congress.
Reference: Major FLAG
OFFICERS of the U.S. MILITARY now deem this totally unacceptable!!!
U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill, Democrat of Missouri, appeared on CNN
(Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate news (202) 898-7900), and urged Benghazi
war criminal, former U.S. Secretary of State, assassin Hillary Rodenhurst
Clinton to run for president.
Note to Bitch McCaskill: That
is NOT going to happen because year 2000 duly elected, non-inaugurated,
natural born President Albert Gore Jr., pursuant to the Supreme Law of the
United States, our U.S. Constitution, will soon take office with the help of
the U.S. MILITARY exercising Constitutional brute force!
Bitch McCaskill has already
endorsed legislation that will void the U.S. Constitution 2nd Amendment and she
voiced support tonight, in concert with the two Clintons, when it comes to the
totally UN-Constitutional NSA gestapo activity aka the Nazi Paperclip illegal
espionage against the American People (reference the George W. BushFRAUD's
Patriot Act, similar to Adolf Hitler's Enabling Act).
Bitch McCaskill is a total stooge
of U.S. crooked banks and receives political campaign contributions from the
Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate hedge fund, the noted Carlyle Group.
So, Bitch McCaskill and Bitch
Feinstein, Democrat of California, are both on the take from the treasonous
Carlyle Group.
Bitch McCaskill also receives
political campaign contributions from Emily's List, a Carlyle Group funded pro
Hillary, pro homosexual and pro lesbian company.
In closing, call Bitch McCaskill at
(202) 224-3121 and tell her directly NO bitch, NO Bush, NO bank, NO bank, NO
Bush, NO bitch.
As Lafayette remains at Brandywine
and Albert Gore Jr. remains the duly elected, non-inaugurated, REAL President
of the United States.