ALL patriot American MUST know, with sources
American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL reporting
what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist,
American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL reporting
what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist,
extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive

Tuesday June 18, 2013
Benghazi/NSA-Gate Update
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that
American patriot General Carter Ham has supplied evidence to a U.S. Military
Grand Jury fingering former U.S. Secretary of State, loser and lesbian in the
closet Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton, for directly arranging the American-Turkish
Council (ATC) financed Libya-based Chechnyan Islamic terrorist mercenaries
assassination of the late U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Christopher
Reference: Bitch Hillary
has blood on her hands along with her business associates, the Nazi Bush
Family, in the assassination of Vince Foster, former U.S. CIA Director and
great friend of French Intelligence, William Colby, and, of course, the late
John F. Kennedy Jr.
Message to Bitch Hillary:
Caroline Kennedy has not forgotten.
Ambassador Christopher
Stevens was about to testify to the U.S. Military Grand Jury concerning the
role of then U.S. Secretary of State of using the unregistered diplomatic
outpost in Benghazi, Libya as a staging area for narcotics and arms
trafficking, as well as the direct headquarters for the use of Al Qaeda
Chechnyan terrorists to engage in political assassinations and NSA (National
Security Agency) psy ops in Egypt, Libya and Syria that was done off books with
under the table commissions paid directly to both Bill and Hillary Clinton and the
Bushes with former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice operating as the bag
Its Managing Director,
scumbag Gordon Duff, operates his website Veterans Today on behalf of the
treasonous Israeli Mossad dominated NSA (National Security Agency).

Duff uses his website on behalf of the Nazi Paperclip NSA to hack into emails of American citizens and actually and actually take down websites of patriotic American citizens for exercising their 1st Amendment rights.
Duff uses his website on behalf of the Nazi Paperclip NSA to hack into emails of American citizens and actually and actually take down websites of patriotic American citizens for exercising their 1st Amendment rights.
Bitch Duff, who is actually
Jewish, once told this reporter over the phone the following:
First: That Nazi Germany
had a good cause to wage World War II.
Second: That Hillary Clinton needs to be president some day
because all she wants is power and that she can be managed.
Third: That crooked banks need to be bailed out on a continuous
basis because that is the future of the New World Order (NWO).
I confronted this Nazi Paperclip NSA scumbag Duff and told him
that Albert Gore Jr. of Carthage, Tennessee is the real duly elected American
President not Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton or election stealer, nation wrecker,
Constitution shredder, U.S. Treasury embezzler, cocaine snorting homosexual in
the closet, AWOL war criminal George W. BushFRAUD.
Immediately Bitch Duff aka
Bob Tate hung up the phone in a rage.
Bitch Duff then called me
back and then threatened to destroy me if I did not stop posting intelligence
briefings on the internet. I responded in the words of American World War
II General George McAuliffe "Nuts!"
P.P.S. At this hour the
phony BushFRAUD orchestrated Nazi Paperclip NSA scripted "war on
terror" continues.
It is important to
remember that 9/11 was a Black Op attack on the American People using holograms
(which is NSA technology) with then Vice pResident German Nazi bloodline Dick
Cheney directing the HIGH TREASON event using the same day U.S.-Canadian
Red-Blue War Games as a cover and disguise with Nazi bitch Cheney ordering a
U.S. Military stand down.
The UN-Constitutional
Patriot Act (written prior to 9/11), which was rubber stamped by Congress,
ushered in an American nightmare aka a de facto fascist state with corrupt
intelligence agency thugs and crooked NSA-controlled banks operating as the
rulers and monarchs of the American People.
Note: Like his hero Adolf
Hitler, the little bitch George W. BushFRAUD was never elected by the American
People (Albert Gore Jr. won the election hands down).
Remember, 9/11 remains
George W. BushFRAUD's Reichstag fire with U.S. CIA asset employee Osama bin
Laden aka Tim Osman playing the role as patsy.
Reference: Most of the bin
Laden family, who were allowed to fly out of the country by the little bitch
BushFRAUD the day after 9/11, were members of the Carlyle Group that the Bush
Family has been a member of for years.
The Carlyle Group had been
short aka purchasers of put options of airline and insurance stocks on the
Chicago Board of Options Market three days before 9/11.
Clearly both Tim Osman aka Osama bin Laden and the Bush Family
made a lot of money on their 9/11 black op attack on the American People.
In closing, I can vividly
recall Ambassador Leo Wanta telling me on the day of 9/11 that it was a psy op
and black op and to quote Wanta "the gold thing".
At this hour, the
Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds continue to be used illegally by the
crooked privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve in a euro currency-Japanese yen
ponzi scheme.
Reference: It was reported
by Bloomberg News tonight that the Japanese treasury still has a massive
surplus indicating there was really no stimulus whatsoever.
It was all just JPMorgan,
Goldman Sachs, Bank of American derivative hocus pocus.
Stay tuned for emergency
intelligence briefings at any moment.
your local Sheriff, defend you right to bear arms and your right to
free speech and identify the enemy of the American Republic and the
American Revolution in the 21st Century.
The U.S. Constitution IS the
Supreme Law of the United States
Supreme Law of the United States
. . .