5 Cimi, 14 Kayab, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We arrive today to discuss your
prosperity! Throughout your world a massive switchover is underway. Eons
ago your reality was usurped by the dark and these ones created a
ruling caste of minions who have run your planet for millennia pretty
much as they pleased. We come now to tell you that this unruly free hand
is over. The Light has not only decreed but also explained fully to all
concerned that this world is to make a wholesale shift to the Light and
each of you is to be transformed into fully conscious Beings of Light.
This will be preceded by a series of special broadcasts which will
announce our benevolent presence and explain the reasons for the spread
of universal prosperity and freedom which you so richly deserve. We come
in this moment to declare this to you and to be the heralds of a new
realm predicated on the divine ways of Heaven. Our ships encircle your
world and are stationed around every planet in this solar system. Your
dark ones have tried to make it more difficult for us to complete this
sacred mission but their many attempts have failed. The dark must leave
shortly and relinquish their minions to the fate that Heaven has chosen
for them.
In the new reality, you return home to your
family and leave behind you the death and disorder which have plagued
your lives since the fall of Atlantis. Your special residences in
Agartha await you, and here you will find the magical devices which are
to return you to the state of Being you enjoyed when Lemuria prevailed
over the world. Here, too, you will rediscover your real life paths and
become valued members of the Galactic Federation. During your journeys
through the darklands, your experiences provided you with much new
wisdom, and Heaven wishes you to share this knowledge with the former
members of the now-defunct Anchara Alliance, as your mission is to
cement a lasting peace between all sectors of this galaxy. The
prosperity and freedom which you are about to enjoy are symbols of what
you will achieve, and indeed, Heaven sees you as a major player in
bringing Light to all aspects involved in forging physicality. You are
to be honored and accorded great respect and proper recognition for your
hard-won contributions to the divine plan.
The up leveling of your global society will
create more fitting conditions for you to be reintroduced to your
galactic origins. This will refocus your primary concerns upon Gaia's
state of health and well-being, which will demonstrate to you the grand
potential that lies within you. It is this potential coupled with your
rising spiritual awareness that is most important to us as they speak to
the immense innate abilities within each one of you. It is our
responsibility to assist you to bring these forth and to use them to
fashion a new and vital star-nation. We come, therefore, to carry out
what you have long wished for. As you know, the dark has been
unrelenting in its efforts to prevent these changes from manifesting
because such changes would automatically ring the death knell of all
that the dark has been working toward. Nevertheless, our divinely
decreed task was to forge the conditions that would permit the planned,
benevolent changes to come to the fore. This we have done. And it is why
you now stand on the brink of startling changes which will transform
forever this sacred world and allow the creation of a new star-nation.
This new realm will allow you to grow not
just as an individual but also spiritually, allowing you to encompass
new worlds of consciousness. As we often tell you, you are a wondrous
creation that was led down a path that would allow you to experience the
ways and misdeeds of the dark. Now you are ready to leave all this
behind. Your new world will reunite Gaia's surface and inner realms and
you will see 'reality' in ways you cannot presently imagine! Your rising
consciousness is to provide you with a new view of what life is about,
and already, many on your world can see an end to amateur and
professional sports and the demise of sports leagues, and changes far
greater than these are coming. There is very little about your present
social constructs and philosophies which will not be transformed as the
attitudes they reflect shift profoundly. The resulting nascent galactic
society will need to accommodate your ever-expanding view of yourselves
as quickly maturing galactic Beings of Light. You will become enthralled
as you learn about this galaxy as a grand living unity that you are a
part of! Your new star-nation will become highly treasured and Loved by
all who make up physicality.
Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We
come today with more good news! Until now, your world has long been the
residence of a dark cabal whose sole purpose was to shackle you to debt
slavery and coop you up in a realm that put a cap on your return to full
consciousness. This 'cage' and its dark jailers are very shortly to
disappear as your world is now ready to be transformed by Light. The
leaders of this coming world of Light have fought for decades to get rid
of the dark and indeed a movement is well underway which has so far
completed all the preliminaries to wrest from power the ruling caste of
minions who still plot to ensnare you permanently in a very dark realm! A
special group is now in charge and it is these dedicated ones who will
present your new governance and oversee the disbursing of a divinely
decreed prosperity to this globe. We hereby declare that these
associates are now preparing to announce the gist of these many
Our blessed tasks are to uphold these changes
and then to supply you with a series of teachings, delivered by each of
us to every part of the planet, along with guidelines for applying them
to your lives. Generally speaking, you have unquestioningly accepted
what was promulgated far and wide in our names and these doctrines now
need adjusting. An understanding of the grand unity that is All That Is
is a prime requisite for ascension. Your beliefs also must expand to
include the wondrous Beings of Agartha who have kept us safe among them
for millennia. They understand the spiritual nature of humanity and
desire to walk freely and openly among you. Your heart opening also
needs to extend to your ancestors' ancient homes in the stars. In short,
you will quickly come to see that the seeds of Spirit run deftly
throughout the length and breadth of physicality!
We long to guide you, to assist you, and to
set the record straight about our words to you throughout the ages. We
have watched the dark ones take our messages and twist them to suit
their purposes. And as we love to tell you, this is now to end! Love and
unity has always been our message to you. Great Beings from across the
galaxy have come here under divine guidance and their mission is to
assist us in advancing you quickly to full consciousness. We intend to
use the upcoming time to teach, to advise, and to prepare you for your
own blessed ascension. We will be by your side as we guide you toward a
new society which will morph into your new star-nation. As we do this
together, we will be helping this galaxy and using our powers conjointly
to change this galaxy in every respect into a glorious, blessed
instrument of the Light! This is why we come in prayer and power to
bless this new world! Hallelujah to Heaven and to the Light!