Sunday, June 9, 2013

SEALs Arrest Banksters Seven Point Plan Take Back the United States!

Saturday, June 8, 2013 7:08
I love the smell of napalm in the morning. Take Back the United States from the Banksters!
What an interesting idea, to actually take back our country from the Banksters. To regain control of the United States and make her work again.To remove Politicians who would abandon, and thus kill, our own citizens (Benghazi), to get rid of traitors who would bypass the Bill of Rights, to protect our privacy and be able to carry guns without fear of reprisal…to do all the things that a sovereign would do in their own country.

And, make no mistake, a citizen is not a sovereign. A citizen is property, and a sovereign is ruler; we were designed to be the rulers of our country, not the hopeless vassals working in the endless war machine of the central banksters.

arrest banksters Send a few of these guys after the Banksters!

The above understood, here is a seven point plan which will end with the Navy SEALs conducting an Osama Bin Laden style raid on the the people who have stolen our country, enslaved us, caused countless wars around the planet, and who deliberately feed ignorance and starvation and disease over the entire face of the planet. This is the way to terminatedly handle the Nazi Banksters.

First, we have to fix the financial situation created by the Banksters. If we stop funding the banksters who rob us, then we end their wars, we end their ability to buy politicians, we end their ability to mount an attack on the United States and the real values thereof. The way to do this is simple. We go back on the gold standard that the traitor Nixon took us off of. This will end inflation instantly, and it will cease ALL our credit problems. Simply, it will effectively end the ability of Washington to borrow money.

Second, we must end the medical enslavement of the United States. We must end GMO and Monsanto patents and chemical fertilizers and return the United States to a healthy food source. This will go a long way towards returning unhealthy citizens to the state of healthy sovereigns. Remember, an unhealthy body will distract the mind, and that is key to slavery in these United States. A second line of attack would be to end the health care monopolies (HMOs and so on) by money interests.

Third, we must take back our education. This means ending government intervention in the public school system from elementary to advanced education. The federal government must be denied taxes specific to the education system, and the States, and ultimately the people, must retake control of our educational system. In the beginning, this may mean something as simple as sufficient numbers of patriots undertaking the home schooling of their children.

Fourth, we must end the IRS. This means to get rid of the 10,000 page maze like and extremely confusing tax code and put the country on a flat tax system. This would effectively end much of the government’s ability to break the fourth amendment and pry into our private affairs and papers.
Fifth, we must cancel all contracts made under duress. What the bad guys (banksters) do is push us into war, help us create an enormous debt, and then tax us to death, and, when our ability to pay the debt fails we are forced to sign over advantages to the Banksters. These Bankster incursions can take many forms, from mineral rights to monopolies to laws that give them undue advantages to whatever, and we are going to have to dig down and find the contracts that were made under duress and cancel them. The very first thing to be down in this procedure is to cancel the Act of 1871 and rescue the United States from corporate slavery and obligations.

Sixth, and this is incredibly important, we must go after the people who have enslaved us. We must root out the slave masters in their homes, confiscate their wealth, and throw these vermin into prisons of the staunchest and most unforgiving nature. And, in saying this, I advocate no violence, for we must follow the rules of law. See the next item for the reasoning on this.

Seven, we must do the above without falling to excessive violence. We must not become like the banksters, we must not enter into contract with violence and death and destruction, for that is their path. No, we must do this with courts and honest judges, and this is possibly the cruelest, but most important constraint, upon us.

The trick is find enough honest people to enact these principles. To find statesmen who will delve into the paperwork and find the simple proofs, who will send the SEALs after the real bad guys, the banksters, and arrest them. Who will put the bad guys into Guantanamo and make sure they are given fair trial, without recourse to zillions of dollars they have stolen.

In conclusion, what I list here will not be easy to accomplish, but it is a sure way to take back our country. The fact of all this begins, however, on the home front; apply the principles I have listed here to yourselves. Consider the following points re-listed, but pointed to the individual.

Stop borrowing money and living on credit cards; pay off your bills; use financial discipline to take back control of your life in this area.

Stop buying corporate food products, eliminate synthetics from your diet, search out organic foods, balance your bodies and end bizarre behavior that results from food poisons.

Start home schooling your children. This doesn’t mean letting them run free and ignorant, but rather instilling proper discipline, following academic choices, ending the behavior altering practices of mass education.

Be honest in your taxes, but search out ways to pay the least amount of taxes possible.

End all contracts which enslave you. These will predominately be credit cards and such, and you should look to paying them off as quickly as possible and not incurring such debt again.

Educate yourself thoroughly in matters of finance and government so that you may never fall again to traps of greed, and so that you can make your elected and non-elected leaders toe the line of fiscal responsibility. End the Banksters lobbyists writing financial bills and regulations. See to the passing of laws, and enforcing of laws, that will put the bad guys in jail for any attempted corruption.
Do not fall to excessive violence when following this program.

If you do this on the home front, and if you educate and encourage your neighbors to follow your example, it won’t be long before common sense once again holds sway in our country. If you do this, then one day you will read a headline that says, ‘Navy SEALs conduct daring midnight raid, Porker J. Korpo, a long time bankster, has been arrested and WILL stand trial for crimes against humanity.
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