Tuesday, June 18, 2013

OP-ED - Jim Costa Rant For The Day - June 18th, 2013

6/18/13 10:00 AM  Jim's Rant For The Day.   Our Situation Said Perfectly!

Well, the truth embargo, first of all, is going to keep you pretty much in the same place during our evolution. What we are actually suffering from is not only technical evolution but a lack of spiritual evolution which is caused by the same truth embargo. The whole point about the truth embargo is that you are not meant to know that there are higher life forms. You are not meant to know that there are alternatives to energy. You are not meant to know there are 101 methods to do many things we take for granted as facts.

And as long as you're kept in the dark you are not aware of these other technologies, you will continue to benefit the pockets of the elites who have set you up and expect you to go out and spend your money on fuel and pay through the nose.

Think about what you do on this planet. When you buy an orange, that orange has got to be cultivated, it takes energy, It has got to be picked; it takes energy. It has got to be shipped; it takes energy. When you get it, you take it home; it takes energy. Everything is revolving around oil. They don't want you to know that oil is not necessary. It's a multi-Zillion Katrillion industry – and they kill for it.

Because we are not aware of 99.9% of our reality. We are only aware, as I said to you in my talk about the politics of Ontology, as Dr. John Mack said to me, the Harvard Psychiatrist, our reality is determined by a handful of people, using those pillars of a world view. I explained to you is the education system, the financial system, the military industrial complex, the intelligence operatives, etc. They are determining what's true and what's not true, what's real and what's not real. They make the press, who totally fail us, that's another pillar of the world view, ridicule the subject. And yet, we know that it is totally true!”  By: Neil Gould, Founder of Exopolitics – Hong Kong

Source Video: The Underground - A Hidden Reality and The True Story of Phil Schneider.mp4
    1 Hour 20 Minute Video 
                          Start at the 59.30 minute mark.

 6/18/13 8:30 AM Jim's Rant For The Day.   Believer In Underground Bases.

 Over the past year there have been several reports of explosions and battles occurring in underground bases around the United States. We have been led to believe that these have been signs that the good guys were making progress in the take down of the Cabal; that their secure fall-back positions were being destroyed.
It was always hard for me to analyze such statements because I had never come to grips with the proposition that such bases actually existed. I had seen several videos and read a few articles about them. Some of those readings go back as far as twenty years ago. But still, I had never formed an opinion as to totally true or untrue. So I treated it as a possibility only.

A friend keeps reminding me, “You can only go down so many rabbit holes at a time.” That is why I never formed an opinion – I was chasing so many other rabbit holes. I mean, which would you rather do, study holes in the ground or the possibility of being with 100 virgins after death?
But today I have concluded that those bases do indeed exist. I have reconsidered all that I have read before and considered the logical ramifications for them. But the thing that made the decision so simple was the hour and a half video listed at the bottom. When I watched that, it all easily fell in place as comfortable decisions somehow do.

I highly recommend that you take the time to watch it instead of the garbage on TV. That garbage is not life, the underground bases and their impact on humanity is life.

Video: The Underground - A Hidden Reality and The True Story of Phil Schneider.mp4                                                                   1 Hour 20 Minute Video 

Source Link  http://src-fla.us/index.php/news2e629