Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Former Italian prime minister given seven-year jail term and banned from public office for life at Milan court

Berlusconi found guilty after case that cast spotlight on murky premiership

Former Italian prime minister given seven-year jail term and banned from public office for life at Milan court

Berlusconi and Mahroug

After more than 26 months, 50 court hearings and countless breathless column inches from journalists worldwide, it took just four minutes for the sentence that Silvio Berlusconi had feared to be delivered. At 5.19pm, before a fascist-era sculpture showing two men struck down by a towering figure, the judges swept into the courtroom and pronounced their damning verdict for Italy's longest-serving postwar prime minister. By 5.23pm, it was all over.

At the culmination of a trial that helped strike the final nail in the coffin of the playboy politician's international reputation, the judges found Berlusconi guilty both of paying for sex with the underage prostitute nicknamed Ruby Heartstealer and abusing his office to cover it up. They even went beyond the prosecutors' sentencing requests, ordering him to serve seven – rather than six – years in prison and face a lifetime ban on holding public office.

Perhaps fittingly for a case that cast a spotlight on the murky nexus of sex and power that prosecutors argued was at the heart of his premiership – in which young women were procured, they said, "for the personal sexual satisfaction" of the billionaire septuagenarian – all three judges were female.

Continue Reading at .... http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/24/silvio-berlusconi-guilty-underage-prostitute