Monday, June 24, 2013

Extraterrestrials and their Transformation Chambers

a resource for the awakening human: Extraterrestrials and their Transformation Chambers

Extraterrestrials and their Transformation Chambers

Are ETs going to show up soon? I just don't know. While I personally believe that extraterrestrial life probably exists and likely exhibits a range of orientation from malevolent to neutral to benevolent, I don't know what to make of all the sources who claim to be in contact with ET groups. Most of their information seems quite fishy to me, and just a little too saccharin-sweet. But after monitoring their messages for the past few years, there is one thing I'm quite certain of: the inadvisability of letting ETs put me in a "living light transformation chamber" to fiddle with my DNA.

Welcome to Agartha!...

...Once you visit, you'll never be able to... err... you'll never want to leave.

Sheldan Nidle, who claims to take galactic dictation through technological implants, has been speaking of these chambers for the longest time. If you go here and look through all his past "Galactic Federation of Light" updates, you'll see that a great many of them contain references to the chambers. Here is just one example from his April 16, 2013 update...

"Meanwhile, our Galactic Federation medical teams are continuing to collect the data needed to update your individual Light chambers. When called upon these Light chambers will be the means for returning you to full consciousness. At present, all of you possess certain key blocks, both emotional and physiological, that prevent you from returning naturally and under your own steam to full consciousness, and it is for this reason that throughout the millennia various methods have been attempted to bring about this wonderful state of Being. However, the results of these complex technologies were haphazard at best, which is why we have been permitted to create a simpler means of achieving this goal. At the right time, each of you can access your individual Light chamber waiting for you in Agartha, and during three days of slumber be returned to your original state of full consciousness as physical Angels."

Kathryn May is another Galactic Federation of Light channeler who claims to be "the official Voice of Mother/Father God" (no ego at play there, eh? ), and she too speaks of the transformation chambers in this entry...

"We now have the additional technology of the very sophisticated Light chambers which can help you with raising your vibrational levels.  We believe that those who have prepared themselves by learning to maintain a high level of Love/Light in your daily lives will be able to adapt to the rising energies of the chambers, and that you will be able to maintain that level once you have completed the training we have planned for you in preparation for the Light Chamber treatments."
Then, of course, there is Cobra (it's rather revealing to choose a venomous snake's name for yourself, is it not? ). He also has joined the "let's get into the chambers" chorus in this interview...

"ALEXANDRA:  This is really exciting.  One person was asking about our full consciousness coming forward through the chambers somewhere in Agartha.  Do you agree with that and would it take 3 days within these chambers to receive our full consciousness or not?

COBRA:  There was a lot of dis information about the chambers, fear, misinformation stating that the chambers are not of the light.  Actually, those chambers are very advanced light technology, organic, integrated technology that assist us in reaching our full consciousness.  There will be a gradual introduction of those chambers to the surface population at a certain moment around the event.  I would say around first contact.  They will will be used individually to those advanced light workers that are ready for them before the first contact, but after the event then more massively after first contact and as we come deeper into the full ascension process."

Offering an interesting counterpoint to all this positive talk of the chambers and their true purpose is Wes Penre. In his paper on the various ET groups and their agendas, he says this...

"However, this is all based on restrictions built into, and strands taken away from, our DNA, now lying dormant. This is why those who decide to evolve without help from Sirian technology, and who have seen through the veil of manipulation, can reshape their whole RNA/DNA structure and no longer be stuck in the hologram. This is what I am talking about. Those who decide to take this route don't have to go through lifetimes after lifetimes of being stuck in a restricted universe that is controlled; we can do it by reconstructing our light-body, using our Fire. See the trap for what it is and the trap will eventually disappear, because it's held in place by frequency. Supersede that frequency band and you're out of here!"

So could the true purpose of the chambers be to restructure our evolving form to keep us within the ET control matrix? The other thing that is interesting about what Wes says is that he views the Sirians as the real bad guys. This brings to mind a blurb I encountered in a Texe Marrs entry recently...

"...Freemasonry's highest initiates are convinced that powerful, divine spirit entities, led by a dark, serpent or dragon warrior-lord leader are expected to arrive from the dog-star Sirius."

From Sirius, eh? And a serpent or dragon will be arriving? That's interesting in light of the fact that we have guys with names like "Cobra" (serpent) and "Drake" (dragon) running around telling us about their ET buddies.

Naturally, I wrote quite a bit about the ET agenda in my old blog, and I recently reposted one of my key entries from March. It is titled An Overview of the Luciferian/Satanic Blueprint. In it, I wrote...

"Once a crescendo of awareness and fear has been reached, that's when the surprise will come. As if out of nowhere, military and economic forces will jump into action to bring a dead stop to the unfolding nightmare. Posing as a benevolent alliance, they will commandeer all media to broadcast in-depth exposes of all that has been going on behind the scenes in our world. The public will be both shocked and jubilant to finally hear the truth, and it will wash over them like a tsunami. Unfortunately, this limited hangout truth tsunami is intended to carry them away towards an acceptance of the real New World Order."

Then, shortly after I posted it (in March), Cobra posted this graphic on his website...

...It's funny that I honed in on the exact word they'd use (tsunami).

In that same entry, I also wrote...

"Should the aliens arrive, they will work to transform our society and technology to 'raise us to galactic standards.' Once this has progressed and their propaganda efforts and good deeds have earned the trust of the masses, they'll 'go for the close' and suggest we do something specific. This could take the form of...

> suggesting we enter 'living light transformation chambers' to 'repair the genetic damage' the hostile aliens have inflicted..."

Then, in his April 30, 2013 entry, Sheldan Nidle wrote this...

"Your trust in us is paramount! Once we have your trust, we will be able to set the scene to prepare you on all levels for your three days of metamorphosis in your individual Light chambers."
Ha! These guys are nothing if not predictable.

All this being said, I recommend caution and careful discernment before accepting an invitation to go underground and jump into an Agarthan Easy Bake DNA oven... assuming any of this ET stuff is anything other than distraction.

I love you....