Re-blogged From ALLABOUT2012 BLOG
* Posting for your awareness. True or not, I have no idea! ~e

by Kathryn E. May, PsyD on 06/22/13
We are overjoyed to tell you that tomorrow, June 23, 2013, will begin the announcements of worldwide change. You will begin to receive bulletins containing information about disbursements of funds which will change the lives of every single person on the planet. We have arranged for the changes to come gradually, to allow for everyone to adjust to what will seem unbelievable and astounding to many. The Shift will bring peace, abundance and great celebration when people realize the far-reaching implications of what is being done. This will be just the beginning; the events will unfold day by day in the most natural way possible.
We wish to send this bulletin to all the people who have listened, with Faith and Love in their hearts, to our messages of hope and instruction for elevating yourselves in preparation for your Ascension. As this historic event unfolds, you will be the ones who can reassure and teach those who have not learned along with you.
Our hearts are filled with joy for all of you who will finally find fulfillment and confirmation that what you were searching for does indeed exist.
We love you one and all,
Your Mother/Father God and St. German, in company with the Galactic Federation of Light
Via Kathryn May, June 22, 2013, 11 pm.
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