Major offensive against cabal control continues on multiple fronts
The push to end the illegal rule of the West by a criminal cabal is
escalating on multiple fronts as seen by a spate of incidents that seem,
on the surface to be un-related. These incidents include the “murder”
of a journalist in California, the ongoing NSA leaks scandal, the
un-reported kidnapping of US ambassador to Syria Robert Ford, the murder
of three free energy researchers last week and escalating riots.There are also multiple sources predicting some sort of banking black swan event, possibly next week. In Japan, for example, all banking ATM machines in the entire country will be shut down on June 29th and 30th for undisclosed “technical maintenance.” Pentagon sources also talk about some sort of planned bank take over. The Asian secret society is also planning a big banking move soon, society sources say.
The gnostic illuminati, for their part, have also promised a renewed offensive against the cabal at the street level. The riots in Turkey and Brazil will be followed by major upheaval in Egypt expected in the run up to June 30th.
The kidnapping of US Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford, was reported to this writer by his fiancé who is a member of the Italian aristocracy. A Dr. Ben Morgan working for the UN in Syria and a UN official by the name of Kingsley Adogbeji in Nigeria are involved, she says. US special forces have been informed of his location. Ford is a moderate career diplomat who is not involved in the violence now wracking that country.
The seizure of Ford seems to have been carried out by frustrated mercenary armies working for the Saudis and other Zionist enemies of Syria because of his persistence in seeking a peaceful resolution to the conflict there.
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