Open battle raging between Sabbatean Cabal and military industrial complex
The recent cabal controlled corporate media frenzy of “disclosure”
about things like NSA eavesdropping, politically targeted IRS tax
investigations and the Bilderberg meeting are signs of full blown panic.
All these disclosures seemed to be timed to distract public attention
from last week’s pentagon and US agency supported love fest summit
meeting between US President Barak Obama and Chinese leader Xi Jinping.The erupting trade war between Europe and China and the posse of economic hit-men trying to ruin Japan’s economy are also signs of and intensifying battle over control of the world’s financial system and thus the future of our species.
The attacks on Japan’s economy are motivated by the fact the Abe government just announced $32 billion in economic assistance for Africa in a sign Japan is no longer handing its foreign currency to the cabal in order to finance Zionist wars. They are also motivated by the fact that Japan’s government has just begun to do the obvious and eliminate its “200% GDP debt” with the stroke of a pen. Well known mainstream economist Jeffery Sachs last week admitted to this writer, at a Japan Foreign Correspondent’s Club press conference, that there was no theoretical reason why Japan’s government could not just print yen, buy up all the outstanding Japanese government bonds and put them in the garbage. Sachs, who heads the Earth Institute at Columbia University, was also very enthusiastic about the big Japanese plans to modernize Africa saying they were very concrete, detailed and realistic. Of course the corporate propaganda media representatives, or more likely their bosses, did not want to let the world know that Japan’s government had made a decision to break free from Sabbatean debt slavery. Unlike tiny Iceland, Japan is the world’s third largest economy and its biggest creditor nation. Its’ breaking of ranks with the G7 debt-slavery cabal is truly historical.
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