2013 05 10
From: BBCNews
The US government has demanded designs for a 3D-printed gun be taken offline.

The US State Department wrote to the gun’s designer, Defense Distributed, suggesting publishing them online may breach arms-control regulations.
Although the files have been removed from the company’s Defcad site, it is not clear whether this will stop people accessing the blueprints.
They were being hosted by the Mega online service and may still reside on its servers.
Also, many links to copies of the blueprints have been uploaded to file-sharing site the Pirate Bay, making them widely available. The Pirate Bay has also publicised its links to the files via social news site Reddit suggesting many more people will get hold of the blueprints.
Cody Wilson, who founded Defense Distributed, told the BBC that the genie was out of the bottle.
"Once people heard what happened, Pirate Bay has exploded. I’m sat here watching it now, seeing the downloads go up and up."
Read the full article at: bbc.co.uk