Authorities will “facilitate peaceful protest”
Paul Joseph Watson
May 7, 2013
Hertfordshire Police have confirmed that the 2013
Bilderberg Group meeting will take place at the Grove luxury hotel in
Watford, United Kingdom early next month as over 100 of the world’s most
influential power brokers will meet clandestinely to discuss global
policy behind closed doors.

Image: The Grove, Watford
Although the site of the meeting had been known amongst Bilderberg sleuths for weeks,
police confirmation appears to diminish any chances that the location
was a red herring designed to throw activists off the scent.
“A Hertfordshire Police spokesman confirmed the event
was taking place but declined to comment on operational policing
details,” reports the Watford Observer.
The spokesman added that the force would “facilitate people who want to undertake peaceful protest.”
The police’s insistence that demonstrations will be allowed (despite a “security exercise” which
is expected to surround the hotel grounds and keep prying eyes away),
bolsters the view that Bilderberg has learned from previous years when
protesters and journalists were treated with disdain, leading to
negative press attention.
According to the Observer, the dates of the conference
are June 6-8, although it is expected that most of the attendees will
leave on the morning of the 9th as is routine.
As we reported yesterday,
Alex Jones will travel to the United Kingdom to cover the protest
unless he is barred from entering the country by UK authorities who have
previously prevented other media personalities such as Michael Savage
from entering based on their political viewpoints.
Any attempt to deport Jones will be seen as an embarrassing PR disaster for both UK authorities and the Bilderberg Group, who previously attempted to get Jones kicked out of Canada back in 2006 only for the incident to cause a huge media spectacle.
It remains to be seen how much attention the British
press will bestow on a group that habitually relies on a castrated and
compliant media to either ignore its existence or play down the
Bilderberg as a mere “talking shop,” despite innumerable instances of
the group wielding its influence with scant regard for democratic
In 2010, former NATO Secretary-General and Bilderberg member Willy Claes admitted that
Bilderberg attendees are mandated to implement decisions that are
formulated during the annual conference of power brokers.
In 2009, Bilderberg chairman Étienne Davignon even bragged about how the Euro single currency was a brainchild of the Bilderberg Group.
Back in February, Italian lawyer Alfonso Luigi Marra requested that
the Public Prosecutor of Rome investigate Bilderberg for criminal
activity, questioning whether the elitist organization’s 2011 meeting in
Switzerland led to the selection of Mario Monti as Prime Minister of
Last month, Honorary President of the Supreme Court of Italy and former Senior Investigative Judge Ferdinando Imposimato accused the Bilderberg Group of being behind terrorist attacks in Europe.
Hundreds of activists are expected to descend on Watford
and Infowars invites as many people as possible to make the trip in
order to force the mainstream press to give Bilderberg the attention it
deserves, thereby dismantling the shadowy group’s much cherished veil of
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.