Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Oklahoma City, Massive tornado damage — HAARP Confirmation - by SinceDutch

Late PM May 18, 2013 going into early AM May 19, 2013 — A series of RADAR pulses / “HAARP rings” / Scalar Squares appeared over Oklahoma City.. South across the state.. and East to Tulsa.

Move forward 36 hours, and we see a devastating series of tornadoes form, and hit the pulsed areas.

Here is the Scalar Square from late PM on May 18th going into the 19th… see the Oklahoma portion at about the 6 minute mark:

Here is a screenshot of the before and after for the area in question:
Oklahoma city may 20 2013 tornadoes
With heart felt sorrow , I offer condolences to all those effected by this tragic turn of events.

Moore, Oklahoma.. guess whats just south of town..PLUS… guess what Moore is the direct epicenter of?

ALL the RADARS in the area literally surround Moore. Which, in itself is ironic, but what are the chances that Moore would have its own Dome?

moore oklahoma radar central may 21 2013

this has happened before :

Here are several posts explaining the basics behind the theory of radio frequency modification of the weather, more specifically an explanation on how I believe RADAR is playing a role :
Past RADAR pulse / HAARP ring / Scalar Square confirmations :
