loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We
know it is difficult for you to feel elated about Earth being in fourth
density when violence still has a firm place in your world, and you
wonder where the promised Golden Age is.
crossed the threshold of her Golden Age when she entered the safe
harbor of fourth density almost six months ago, but many of her
residents who accompanied her have not reached that density in spiritual and conscious awareness. So it is understandable if you feel discouraged by what appears to be little progress toward a peaceful world.
Yes, we have mentioned these feelings before and now just as then, never
is it with criticism. In all truth, we could feel the same if we saw
only what you do, but we have the immense advantage of being able to
view Earth from this exceptional vantage point.
We see the stunning differences
in your world today compared with conditions at the beginning of
Earth’s ascension only seventy-some years ago. We see ancient energy
portals reopening and the incoming light being anchored all over the
planet. We see the myriad sparkling lights of souls awakening as Earth
keeps moving into ever-higher vibrations, and we see all of her Golden
Age glories fait accompli.
You would feel not only encouraged, but jubilant if you could see all of this too, and how we wish you could! But
you can’t, so please let our knowledge of what has transpired and what
is happening in this moment dispel any discouragement you may have so
its low vibrations don’t dim your light. Your steadfastness in the light
is as vital now as it always has been for you personally and for your society—you are the way-showers for the newly awakened soul-searchers.
Doesn’t the prevalence of violence show that darkness still has Earth in its grasp? Briefly
stated, that is what some readers have written to my mother, and their
concern is shared by other lightworkers. We assure you, the darkness
that shrouded the planet for millennia was left behind when Earth exited
third density.
explain why violence is ongoing even though the planet is securely in
fourth density, we go back a bit in your timeframe. Along Earth’s
ascension pathway, she passed through many energy levels and some time
ago reached a level that started magnifying all characteristics and
behavior. As the opposite ends of duality intensified, acts that reflect
the best of humankind increased and it was the same with acts that
reflect the worst. Duality
is at its zenith and everyone is reacting to the “magnified voice
within”—persons with tendencies toward violence are following their
heightened urges to act violently.
not everything is as it may seem. The Illuminati-controlled faction of
the CIA still is active in terrorism, at times in conjunction with law
enforcement personnel who unwittingly are abetting rather than capturing
the perpetrators. In addition
to using the few remaining mind-controlled individuals whom they have
programmed, the faction has a list of “likely” persons to blame for
their terrorist activities. They fabricate a plausible foundation around
selective facts about those individuals and feed that story to the
The bombing at the Boston marathon was their handiwork. The
two brothers “alleged” to be the bombers fit very well what the faction
needed for that occasion. They had learned about the young men’s
interest in simple bomb construction and, tying that to their “radical”
religious convictions and the older brother’s months in Chechnya and
Dagestan, they created “suspects” that the public would find believable.
It is sad for you and for us that any violent
incidents still are part of life on Earth. They are tragic indeed for
all who experience the loss of beloved persons or sustain severe
injuries. We devoutly wish the grieving families could know that their
members were greeted by “departed” family and dear friends upon entry
into Nirvana, where life is filled with activity, diversity and joyful
awareness that each is part of the Oneness of All.
mainstream media’s belabored coverage of “acts of terror” and other
heinous crimes, fear energy is dissipating. At soul level everyone knows
that the planet is a hundredfold less “toxic” than it was only a few
years ago, and as energy surges kept moving Earth into increasingly high
vibrations, that knowledge started seeping into the consciousness. Many
who formerly were deeply affected by media’s fear-mongering no longer
are susceptible to it.
is legitimate speculation and also strategic dire rumors about where
Syria’s civil war may lead. There will be no more “full blown”
international wars and attempts to use nuclear weaponry will not be
successful. Ultimately, the freedom fighters in Syria will be victorious
and, like other countries where the citizenry ousted despotic rulers,
that nation also will go through a period of unrest before achieving
social and leadership stability.
persistent belligerence is the work of the Zionists—another of the
Illuminati’s disparate groups—who serve only their own interests of
conquest. Contrary to what they want you to believe, the Zionist
movement does not represent
the will of the Israelis or Jews anywhere else in the world. In time,
this movement, which is losing favor even with its former staunch
allies, will completely lose its credibility and influence.
is so that many souls are denied legal, health care, education,
economic and social equality; and unfair laws, surveillance methods and
other activities are infringing upon your privacy and curtailing
freedoms. Chemtrails still are
crossing your skies in some places and other polluting of your air,
water and soil continues; so do desecration of your forests and dreadful
treatment of animals in the seas and on land.
cannot much longer ignore the demands for significant reforms in those
areas and all other harmful situations. Beneficial changes arise from
the actions of the peoples, and grassroots movements throughout your
world are rapidly swelling in numbers and effectiveness. You
will see that all existing or proposed laws, policies, restrictions,
products and systems that adversely impact life on Earth will be
stricken incrementally.
who are connecting the dots of positive developments reported in
independent publications, Internet sites and television documentaries
and interviews are feeling heartened. A recent dot with international
application was in the United States. A group met with media
representatives and a few former members of the Congress to speak about
their personal observations and knowledge that offer clear evidence of
intelligent extraterrestrial life [Citizen Hearing on (UFO) Disclosure at the National Press Club, Washington, DC, starting April 29].
A dozen years ago the group was at the same venue for the same purpose. That
short meeting was completely ignored by the media—not to mention, the
US government—and although the recent five days of formal hearings
didn’t generate headlines around the globe, it was mentioned in some
press and coverage was posted on numerous Internet sites.
But the far greater significance of the week-long event is that it occurred. The
Illuminati’s influence in the United States, their last stronghold, has
weakened so seriously that they could not prevent it. Your governments
cannot continue much longer to cover up our family’s presence, but
please don’t expect to shake hands with those who living among you or
greet landing crews next week. An official statement that other
civilizations do exist—or maybe only the likelihood that
they exist—would be a cautious first step, and your leaders who have
been involved in announcement planning still are arguing about When will people be ready to hear this?
leaders don’t know that the decision is not theirs to make. In His
infinitely greater wisdom, God will know when to give the GO signal to
the highest universal council, and then some of the thousands of crews
surrounding the planet will join you. They will add their technologies
to those developed by your scientists many years ago but usurped by the
Illuminati, and when you no longer need their assistance, those family
members will return to their homelands.
is an appropriate place to address another concern shared by a number
of lightworkers. No, the fact that there have been no mass landings does
NOT mean that the benevolent ones in our universal family have
abandoned you and a civilization that means to enslave you now is in
place! The only crews in your skies are light warriors, and they are
serving you in profoundly necessary ways.
on the ships are reducing pollution in the atmosphere, causing weapons
of war to malfunction, preventing massive terrorist attempts, directing
light into your waters to help sustain marine life, and blasting or
vaporizing any small elements in space that could harm Earth. Vast,
powerful civilizations still are beaming light from afar to the planet,
and ETs right there with you who are in positions of influence are
pressing forward in reform efforts.
us mention another area where ongoing arguments are pointless. “Global
warming” due to humankind’s willful neglect, ignorance and denial
absolutely is real, to be sure, but the melting of polar ice,
record-breaking temperature extremes and other weather anomalies are
Earth’s steps toward returning to a moderate climate globally, the way
it was when the entire planet was “the garden of Eden.”
and other cold-weather sports enthusiasts need not fret that
snow-capped mountains will disappear—most assuredly, they won’t! Earth’s
majestic mountain ranges and awesome gorges formed by dynamic upheavals
and mighty waters didn’t exist when the planet first came into being,
but these spectacular aspects of her natural beauty that delight you
delight her, too.
I think readers will enjoy the part of the transmission from the dear
soul in Nirvana that pertains to climate. Please insert that, and also
her later short conversation with you.
[The following is an excerpt of Grace’s information in Earth’s Golden Age - Life Beyond 2012. Her part of that book is a few brief selections of her several lengthy transmissions that became the “Grace” chapter in Illuminations for a New Era. The information below is from her first transmission, in 1999.]
service at this point is studying the mechanics of taking apart weather
anomalies and softening their effects in our atmosphere. And I do mean "our"—like yours and ours. We
aren't all that far from you, you know, and furthermore, we have such
close bonds with you all that we aren't separated in very many ways. By our lighter density and the respective weather, yes, we are, but still it's your AND our atmosphere I'm working on.
I know that sounds almost too weird to believe, but that's the easiest way for me to tell you. That
isn't at all how I'd describe it here, but you don't have our words so
how could you begin to know what I mean if I use our vocabulary? There aren't any synonyms or similar expressions there for this process. It's something that can't help immediately, but in the long run, what I'm doing will make a good difference.
It's not that I can harness the winds of Earth or act as if I'm a global umbrella in those major storms. I'm studying how to contain the energy so that it can be dispersed rather than congregate and then explode. I
should have said dispersed in a routine and slow and easy way instead
of just sitting for a while and then acting as if it's got the whole
world by the tail and then, watch out—here's another hurricane or
It's going to take a while for this to have any effect, you know? There’s
a lot more still to come by whatever designation it’s given—cleansing,
purification, increasing the light, lightening Earth's burdens of
negativity, ascension process—but it all adds up to the very same
thing—a lot of geological activity with pretty heavy damage is still in
There's no way out of this, you know. Energy is energy, and you can't say, "Shoo, baby, go dissipate." Actually,
that's what I’m working on, how to get to that status of being able to
handle things so that if rain is needed, it comes, just enough of it. When it's done, it goes away until it's needed again. The rhythm, the pattern is set, you see.
[The following is part of Grace’s and my short conversation in October 2011.]
These crews in your skies are getting antsy. They’ve been ready for years to land and get going on the things they can do to help you, that their technologies can. You’ve
got some developments of your own that have been kept under wraps and a
few of you know this and what they’re capable of, but just wait until
you see ET tech in action!
Also, your weather and “natural” disasters—just a few words about that. You
know that for ages much of that has been created by technology
combinations controlled by the Illuminati—well, that’s going to end in a
big hurry. Actually, it’s
already slowed down a lot, and none of those claims about fantastic—as
in fantasy-make believe, not fantastic-fabulous—catastrophic upheavals
roving around the Internet will ever happen. Just keep your eye on a glorious world, Earth’s Golden Age, and don’t be afraid of BIG changes—they’re all to the GOOD!
Grace, how are you doing with your “weather of the future”?
Wonderfully! We’re
all set for the time when Earth has dumped all the negativity and we
can act on her choice for a moderate climate everywhere. It won’t take as long as you might think to turn deserts into vegetable gardens!
you, Mother. Now, dear Earth family, you know that people in Nirvana
are doing more than beaming love to you—they’re serving in ways that
probably you never imagined anyone living in a spirit world could
countries are honoring mothers on this day, and all of your countries
have special days to honor individuals who have made extraordinary
contributions in one way or another. What rejoicing there will be when every day you honor self and all other souls in this universe as God’s family of divine beings.
Suzanne Ward