For Immediate Release
Friday, May 17, 2013
Return to 1992 spending level would allow balanced budget, end to income tax

As long as we have the IRS — and the income tax — we should expect more presidents to use their power to silence and intimidate free voices. No IRS investigation or firing of a few scapegoats will change that.
"We must abolish the IRS and end any need for a regulatory agency that snoops into people's private lives," said Libertarian Party Executive Director Carla Howell. "We must draw back total federal spending to the level of 1992, which is more than enough to fulfill the government's constitutional duties to protect our life, liberty, and property. This will allow us to balance the budget immediately, end the federal income tax completely, and give back an average of more than $12,000 to every family in America."
"We don't need an income tax, and we certainly don't need the IRS," Howell said.
The Libertarian Party is the only political party in America calling for both dismantling the IRS altogether and dramatically and immediately downsizing Big Government.
"The Libertarian Party is running candidates to dramatically downsize the federal government," Howell said. "We can cut federal spending by 50 percent, or even 90 percent, and Americans will be better for it. We can end the personal income tax, the corporate income tax, the death tax, and all federal payroll taxes. There will be no need for the IRS, nor any substitute agency."
"Ending the income tax, abolishing the IRS, and cutting federal spending to the level of 1992 means no more deficit spending," Howell said. "This will stop inflation and stabilize prices. Even more importantly, it will transfer wealth out of the wasteful, dysfunctional and destructive government sector and into the productive private sector, resulting in a bounty of new jobs and prosperity for Americans."
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