Julien Wells Update 5-24-13 (with Chris Hales)… Current Energies, “The RV”, Pleiadeans, Current Activities on the Planet, Energies of May/June…

By the way, Julien and Bob Wright have a weekend radio show, The Transitioning many may find worth their time. Here is a link to their latest show.
[Chris] “Julien and I have an update discussion while he is driving home from work…
The usual spread of content – PTW, the Oaklahoma tornado, Militaries shifting views on foreclosure information, Swissindo, Pleadians, Andrew Bartzis (galactic historian) MIB, The Event, Sasquatch, Lisa’s Angels in Morocca, The One People.
“Julien is really pumped about the balance of May and June. Me too!”
MP3s (26 min., 9 MB, each)Part 1
Part 2
Complete show (52 min.; 18 MB)