ETs/EDs (Leonines) Ate Transformed, Soulless Attackers Looking Like This! Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons via Enzo Sano
The attack failed miserably, and the survivors came to a wholly unexpected end. Apparently the few ensouled Psychopathic Earth Leaders (no names provided; might be unknown to us, even if we had them) were given the standard “Evolve or Die” option by the Universities of Evolution, while the incubus-occupied officers and soldiers, through highly advanced technology, had their DNA purified, then were turned into something like the capybara of South America. We of Earth consider the capybara to be the largest rodent, but the ETs/EDs claim it’s a relative of the elephant. Thought that relative was a tapir? Be that as it may, the qua capybaras were then killed, cooked appropriately and served to the Leonine population–as delicious appetizers–with lots more to spare!
Are your minds reeling yet? Mine sure is, and I’ve had some time to absorb at least parts of this. Let me back up a bit and explain how this decision and rather shocking outcome came to pass.
ETs/EDs–The Leonine Council & The Universities of Evolution
Since the attack on Mars was made against the Leonines, the Universities of Evolution referred the matter to the Leonine Council for resolution. Meetings were called among those worlds which needed to be alerted about the aggressive activities of the Psychopathic Earth Leaders and the blatant attempts by the NWO types to seize Mars. This invasion attempt was apparently mounted because the Psychopathic Earth Leaders had concluded Earth was becoming dangerously unstable. Bet you missed that on the news. There was also the self-aggrandizing. “We want it, so we’ll take it!”After consulting with Purrs Loudly to determine facts, the solution became obvious. Because beings from Earth, including the average person, unfortunately, are woefully ignorant of the systems of government, and generally are clueless as to appropriate interactions with other worlds, it became obvious these soldiers and their aggressive behavior were of no real value to the civilized races of the Galaxy. Which is how the attackers ultimately became hors d’ouevres! Now, before freaking out entirely, understand the incubus-infested’s souls were elsewhere, not in their bodies, likely in some vast underground vault. Somewhere.
Instead, the bodies were occupied by incubuses, sentient, low level beings, in this case programmed to destroy. Incubuses can and do have positive uses, such as being bred to destroy Reptoid eggs, but not in this situation. Consequently, no humans were killed in the matter under discussion, for what made them human, the informing principles, their souls, were gone. Bluntly put, the incubus-infested warriors were meat puppets, pod people if you will. Because they weren’t human, it was permissible to turn them into food animals and ultimately consume them. There was no way to reconstitute them as people. We now return to the Leonines and developments there, to include new insights.
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