Thursday, May 9, 2013

GaiaPortal Update - May 9th, 2013

Energetics of Gaia Set for Impressive Changes…

gaia_energy1Steadiness amidst chaotic moments is key to Gaia progression through coming days. Energetics of Gaia, in particular, humanity-general of Gaia, is set for impressive changes. Also may be stated as “changes which impress”, or “changes which create an impression”, upon each individual human consciousness. These changes cannot be avoided or swept aside, as they encompass all of Gaia, all inhabitants, of all kinds.

Each Hue-man has prepared for these moments, and will embody the changes, and rise above the chaos of the moment, when it arises.

Out of chaotic moments, comes Higher Order.


 Flowering Energies Emerge from Chaotic Events…

Flowering energies emerge from chaotic events, a both outer and inner. These appear as showering Gaia with “mists of emergence”. Assistance is requested of all Gaia Light Workers to coordinate individual situation energies with the current Gaia  “mists of emergence” energies.

Those viewing thus communication with Higher Vision will understand their roles.

As participation in these energies is individually accepted, global acceptance and participation follows.