Actually now that I think about it, I feel bad for the baboons. Who in their right minds would want to be related to the most corrupted and incompetent group of people on the planet? My apologies to the furry creatures. Thanks to A for this funny pic.
Update: Again my apologies to the baboons!

The fact-checking organization Politifact Rhode Island has determined that an aggregate of baboons is
not called
a "congress," as claimed in a chain e-mail. After consulting, Merriam Webster, and Oxford, which shed no light, and
Urban Dictionary, which was apparently updated using the chain e-mail as
a source, the reporter sensibly sought the advice of both primate
specialists and lexicographers, consulting
DSNA President Orin Hargraves. According to the
article, the proper term is "troop." Using the word "congress" casts unfair aspersions on baboons.