Reported by: NESARA BLOG
I write this message from my eternal flame from within my
divine heart out of great concern for the numerous requests to meditate and
imagine a glowing light to enter our bodies or either for the sake of our
planet. So I will try to do my best to explain why I need give a warning to my
all my brother & sisters of “Mother Earth” and why I write my opening
sentence as I have.
I will start with
the question of have you ever heard the expression of “As above, Is Below”, if
not, I encourage you to research it & go deep within (not in your mind, but
deep into your heart) and feel this
and then continue to read this message.
For those of us experiencing the awakening of our spiritual journey we
have discovered that through the dark forces on our planet we have been
controlled and made sick in order for us to become separated from our
consciousness. And one of the ways this has been accomplished is with
“Synthetic” food & drugs” when Mother Earth along with Father Sun
always provided us with the “Organic” nutrients, natural medications
healing that we always needed.
So I will try to get more the point of the message, this imaginary light that they keep asking of use to imagine is “Synthetic”. So let’s now bring the feeling of “As above, Is Below” back to the forefront. Just as the dark forces here on Mother Earth have controlled, manipulated, caused suffering, wars, etc., well the same thing has been taking place with dark forces in the universe above us.
In order to try to get a handle on this, you first must take the religious teachings of this lifetime and put them aside. Let’s start with the ancient mythology of the Atlantis & the Gods. Have you ever wondered with all of our religious teachings that have stood the test of time, where in the heck did all of this come from?
It started when these Gods appeared from the heavens with all of these special powers and bags of magic tricks that the story begins. Egyptian teachings have also shown us that there were beliefs that if human flesh was consumed they would receive God like status & powers. Does that not resonate & seem symbolic of what we are experiencing here in this now with feeding off of our fear in order to have the ultimate control therefore empowering these dark forces in acting as if they were Gods.
I now understand where the common expression of “history repeating itself’ comes from. We are finding out that the dark forces here on Mother Earth have known about the ET’s for a long time but have hid it from us. So it just tells me that they are not going down let go of that power & control without a fight and that they have been making plans for a very, very long time. So let’s bring the feeling of “As Above, Is Below” back to the forefront.
As below here on Mother Earth, the dark forces have controlled Mother Earth and her children and have caused great suffering and harm with their deceit & manipulation. In the universe above, the same battle of “Good vs. Evil” has been taking place as well. So with that being said, we must start realizing that the ET’s here on our Mother Earth are not all good.
There are those here with good loving intention, but there are also those who are here with their deceitful hidden agendas. This is exactly where we come back full circle to where “And the Gods came down from the heavens with their special powers & bags of magic tricks”. So please, please get over the idea they are here to save us and please start researching the real truth about the Christian belief of rapture & how we will be taken from this earth & rejoined with God in the heavens. They will take you away into the heavens alright but not to meet God.
You will find yourself in another slavery system of suffering. I am not saying this to scare you, but instead to give insight of how to empower yourselves from within with the purest discernment of truth. So now I will back and explain the meaning behind the first opening statement. We as eternal beings of light from this universe have such strong eternal flames, but this flame only comes from within our divine hearts.
You have to get out of your heads because that is where ego & emotion can run you straight down a rabbit hole. The “Truth” only comes when you dig deep in your hearts with unconditional love and peace that we can truly connect with our Creator, Mother Earth & Father Sun and receive the “Truth Serum” of discernment & wisdom.
These E.T.’s are playing some serious mind control games with the masses with “Spiritual Channelings”, etc. because we are letting them into our heads. So now let’s get back to fake light b.s. that they are putting on the masses and how by doing so we are once again just handing over our power to them. Mother Earth is going through this awakening right along with us and she needs us to be her warriors of light.
She has been in the process of getting rid of her wobble and getting herself balanced which is why we too have been feeling the dizziness, fatigue, off balance and etc. The dark forces are feeding off this synthetic light and giving them such a feeling of empowerment because they do not want us to ascend with Mother Earth because they will lose control of us.
This synthetic light is hurting Mother Earth and us, because it is causing a separation between a Mother and her child. But is now the time for us to find that balance as well and become her light warriors. Don’t fall for the idea that when they come in here to fix everything that we will be saved. The battle of good vs. evil still will not be complete! If necessary take a scientific look at this, science has proven that this planet is full electrical energy and the human body acts as a semi-conductor.
I also encourage you to watch a powerful you tube video titled “Secrets in Plain Sight”. It shows the perfection of the math & geometry of our planet with the universe as well has the human body. You will also realize the arrogance of the dark forces and how they have flaunted it right under our noses the whole time. You also will start realizing that when it starts to appear that they laid out their evil plans for us in the Book of Revelations from the bible. For those of you following the Nesara beliefing in this “now”. Ands here helping our white nights of our m be able to get their heads around this due to they are US back to our “Original Constitution”.
Well, it has down the pipeline that one of these Masters they discovered was not who he proclaimed to be and that the other light workers were duped as well. And if they are asking to be called “Lord” whatever, that is the powerful deity that they are after. But we have to be careful for I see another slavery system being created right before our eyes with the new law and monetary system.
I encourage all of you to go outside and plant your bare feet in the grass or in the sand on a beach and sit. Meditate on the warm sun and a cool breeze hitting your body, and listen to the harmonic sounds of the birds and make a connection and deep within your heart with unconditional love and sincere appreciation & gratitude for all the gifts of Mother Earth & Father Sun. If you feel you have already dealt with some deep emotions in the beginning of your awakening process, you haven’t felt anything yet.
You must let go of all of the religious teachings you have had from this lifetime & when you do you will receive the most amazing unbelievable freedom and sense of peace like no other. I have never felt this much inner knowing or clarity and “true” sense of being in this “now”. And I know there will be many that will not be able to get their heads around this due to they are at a different place of their journey, and there will be those that come back to this at a later time.
I personally feel that everything in this lifetime has prepared me exactly for this time of “now”. I personally have had many experiences in this lifetime with dark forces. I couldn’t explain it, so I referred to it as “Spiritual Warfare” and titled myself as a “Sensitive” and what I have realized is that they feed off of fear, anxiety, depression, etc. and these emotions will then bleed off unto the people around you who love you.
It wasn’t until the dark forces were feeding off my children that the fear went away and I became pissed off and told them they did not have my permission to be here and I told them to get the hell out of my house. Immediately I felt the weight of hundreds of pounds lift from my body and the fearful experiences left home as well as the homes of my grown children. This was an empowering experience for me. We do not realize how powerful beings we truly are. We have the ability to manifest the future through imaginations and the dark forces know this.
As some have written in regards to how we keep asking them to please, please, now, now in regards to changing our government & money system they have responded that the last part of what we have created has to play out. So I encourage mankind to start lighting up our powerful “Organic” eternal light from within our divine hearts & connect with Mother Earth, Father Sun, and our divine Creator and start imagining our futures bright without the dark forces. It is time for mankind to dig deep and find out what substance we truly are made of. So let’s send the dark forces a message…… GET THE HELL OUT OF OUR HOME & TAKE THEIR FAKE LIGHT WITH THEM!!!!!!!

So I will try to get more the point of the message, this imaginary light that they keep asking of use to imagine is “Synthetic”. So let’s now bring the feeling of “As above, Is Below” back to the forefront. Just as the dark forces here on Mother Earth have controlled, manipulated, caused suffering, wars, etc., well the same thing has been taking place with dark forces in the universe above us.
In order to try to get a handle on this, you first must take the religious teachings of this lifetime and put them aside. Let’s start with the ancient mythology of the Atlantis & the Gods. Have you ever wondered with all of our religious teachings that have stood the test of time, where in the heck did all of this come from?
It started when these Gods appeared from the heavens with all of these special powers and bags of magic tricks that the story begins. Egyptian teachings have also shown us that there were beliefs that if human flesh was consumed they would receive God like status & powers. Does that not resonate & seem symbolic of what we are experiencing here in this now with feeding off of our fear in order to have the ultimate control therefore empowering these dark forces in acting as if they were Gods.
I now understand where the common expression of “history repeating itself’ comes from. We are finding out that the dark forces here on Mother Earth have known about the ET’s for a long time but have hid it from us. So it just tells me that they are not going down let go of that power & control without a fight and that they have been making plans for a very, very long time. So let’s bring the feeling of “As Above, Is Below” back to the forefront.
As below here on Mother Earth, the dark forces have controlled Mother Earth and her children and have caused great suffering and harm with their deceit & manipulation. In the universe above, the same battle of “Good vs. Evil” has been taking place as well. So with that being said, we must start realizing that the ET’s here on our Mother Earth are not all good.
There are those here with good loving intention, but there are also those who are here with their deceitful hidden agendas. This is exactly where we come back full circle to where “And the Gods came down from the heavens with their special powers & bags of magic tricks”. So please, please get over the idea they are here to save us and please start researching the real truth about the Christian belief of rapture & how we will be taken from this earth & rejoined with God in the heavens. They will take you away into the heavens alright but not to meet God.
You will find yourself in another slavery system of suffering. I am not saying this to scare you, but instead to give insight of how to empower yourselves from within with the purest discernment of truth. So now I will back and explain the meaning behind the first opening statement. We as eternal beings of light from this universe have such strong eternal flames, but this flame only comes from within our divine hearts.
You have to get out of your heads because that is where ego & emotion can run you straight down a rabbit hole. The “Truth” only comes when you dig deep in your hearts with unconditional love and peace that we can truly connect with our Creator, Mother Earth & Father Sun and receive the “Truth Serum” of discernment & wisdom.
These E.T.’s are playing some serious mind control games with the masses with “Spiritual Channelings”, etc. because we are letting them into our heads. So now let’s get back to fake light b.s. that they are putting on the masses and how by doing so we are once again just handing over our power to them. Mother Earth is going through this awakening right along with us and she needs us to be her warriors of light.
She has been in the process of getting rid of her wobble and getting herself balanced which is why we too have been feeling the dizziness, fatigue, off balance and etc. The dark forces are feeding off this synthetic light and giving them such a feeling of empowerment because they do not want us to ascend with Mother Earth because they will lose control of us.
This synthetic light is hurting Mother Earth and us, because it is causing a separation between a Mother and her child. But is now the time for us to find that balance as well and become her light warriors. Don’t fall for the idea that when they come in here to fix everything that we will be saved. The battle of good vs. evil still will not be complete! If necessary take a scientific look at this, science has proven that this planet is full electrical energy and the human body acts as a semi-conductor.
I also encourage you to watch a powerful you tube video titled “Secrets in Plain Sight”. It shows the perfection of the math & geometry of our planet with the universe as well has the human body. You will also realize the arrogance of the dark forces and how they have flaunted it right under our noses the whole time. You also will start realizing that when it starts to appear that they laid out their evil plans for us in the Book of Revelations from the bible. For those of you following the Nesara beliefing in this “now”. Ands here helping our white nights of our m be able to get their heads around this due to they are US back to our “Original Constitution”.
Well, it has down the pipeline that one of these Masters they discovered was not who he proclaimed to be and that the other light workers were duped as well. And if they are asking to be called “Lord” whatever, that is the powerful deity that they are after. But we have to be careful for I see another slavery system being created right before our eyes with the new law and monetary system.
I encourage all of you to go outside and plant your bare feet in the grass or in the sand on a beach and sit. Meditate on the warm sun and a cool breeze hitting your body, and listen to the harmonic sounds of the birds and make a connection and deep within your heart with unconditional love and sincere appreciation & gratitude for all the gifts of Mother Earth & Father Sun. If you feel you have already dealt with some deep emotions in the beginning of your awakening process, you haven’t felt anything yet.
You must let go of all of the religious teachings you have had from this lifetime & when you do you will receive the most amazing unbelievable freedom and sense of peace like no other. I have never felt this much inner knowing or clarity and “true” sense of being in this “now”. And I know there will be many that will not be able to get their heads around this due to they are at a different place of their journey, and there will be those that come back to this at a later time.
I personally feel that everything in this lifetime has prepared me exactly for this time of “now”. I personally have had many experiences in this lifetime with dark forces. I couldn’t explain it, so I referred to it as “Spiritual Warfare” and titled myself as a “Sensitive” and what I have realized is that they feed off of fear, anxiety, depression, etc. and these emotions will then bleed off unto the people around you who love you.
It wasn’t until the dark forces were feeding off my children that the fear went away and I became pissed off and told them they did not have my permission to be here and I told them to get the hell out of my house. Immediately I felt the weight of hundreds of pounds lift from my body and the fearful experiences left home as well as the homes of my grown children. This was an empowering experience for me. We do not realize how powerful beings we truly are. We have the ability to manifest the future through imaginations and the dark forces know this.
As some have written in regards to how we keep asking them to please, please, now, now in regards to changing our government & money system they have responded that the last part of what we have created has to play out. So I encourage mankind to start lighting up our powerful “Organic” eternal light from within our divine hearts & connect with Mother Earth, Father Sun, and our divine Creator and start imagining our futures bright without the dark forces. It is time for mankind to dig deep and find out what substance we truly are made of. So let’s send the dark forces a message…… GET THE HELL OUT OF OUR HOME & TAKE THEIR FAKE LIGHT WITH THEM!!!!!!!