Thanks to Rebecca for reporting
One People – SwissIndo Friends: Announcement on the UN orders on Arrests
Dear One People / SwissIndo friends.
I’ve been asked to make an announcement regarding the UN orders pertaining to the arrest of the global leaders etc.
I received a report earlier today that the skies above Jakarta were filled with large UN marked aircraft and helicopters.
I then asked several Indonesian contacts for confirmation of this report, and I have to this point received 4 confirmations that the report is true. That’s good enough for me.
The reports suggest that the UN forces, under direct orders of Mr Ban Ki Moon, have landed in Jakarta (Pondok Cabe Airstrip) to arrest president SBY.

picture of choppers:
30-40 choppers I’m told camo UN choppers as well as white regular ones..and plenty of armoured vehicles,,,both camo and white