BLOG.REDEFININGGOD.COM: Video: Craft Operatives fleeing first bombing with suspect! (Update 22)
Video: Craft Operatives fleeing first bombing with suspect! (Update 22)
There is a video showing the two Craft operatives fleeing the scene of the first bombing with a third man! It was brought to my attention by a reader, tbone: VideoWatch it between the 5 second to 8 second marks and you'll see them running away with White-haired Waldo...

...The two Craft guys are circled in red and Waldo is circled in yellow. Note that the two Craft guys are wearing their backpacks, one without a white tab and one with a white tab.
So where is Waldo's backpack, which had a white tab?...

The two bombs went off in quick succession, and the video starts after the first explosion (if you watch it all the way through, she mentions that no one started running till after the second blast), so the three suspects are moving away from the first and towards the second...

...It just so happens that the first explosion took place between where they were standing and the second explosion site.
Chalk it up to "things that make you go hmmm"....