Where is the Gold?
by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America - It
can now be reported that IMF officials have expressed great concerns to
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Shalom Bernanke subject the massive
foreign currency cross rate imbalances that have been created in the
cash currency markets vs the futures contracts.
IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde told Bernnake over the weekend that his derivatives have become ass backwards and that she will no longer tolerate new derivatives being cross-collateralized with old derivatives and then using the new derivatives as collateral in foreign currency and stock market manipulation.
Math lesson: Zero plus zero equals zero.
P.S. At this hour we can divulge that Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate stooge and former Deutsche Bank President Joe Ackerman is in Thailand buying up as much gold he can get his hands on. Ackerman is now representing UBS Switzerland and the National Bank of Liechtenstein.
Note: Ackerman communicates with former First Lady and 5th degree witch Barbara Bush aka "the bookkeeper".
Clearly, folks, a financial emergency is imminent.
P.P.S. We can also divulge that the 2,000 tons of Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol Russian gold that was stolen from Wanta and the American and Russian People by former illegal White House occupant George W. BushFRAUD and his Treasury Secretary money launder and check kiter Henry 'Hank' Paulson may have resurfaced.
Question: Where is the gold?
Is it still in Colton, Switzerland with bagman Marc Rich at Glencore Commodities?
Or is it in Thailand being used to manipulate the Thai Baht Currency?
Or is it in the Central Bank of Japan being used to create ass backed derivatives that represent naked short positions in the Japanese yen foreign currency futures?
In closing, I can not emphasize the extent of the financial crisis we are facing as the derivative debt now is actually 1,000 times worse than it was when the financial markets collapsed in 2008.
Despite his celebrity status, alleged President Barack Obama has operated his Administration with his former Treasury Secretary, check kiter Timothy Geithner, as the greatest crooked bank enablers in history.
IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde told Bernnake over the weekend that his derivatives have become ass backwards and that she will no longer tolerate new derivatives being cross-collateralized with old derivatives and then using the new derivatives as collateral in foreign currency and stock market manipulation.
Math lesson: Zero plus zero equals zero.
P.S. At this hour we can divulge that Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate stooge and former Deutsche Bank President Joe Ackerman is in Thailand buying up as much gold he can get his hands on. Ackerman is now representing UBS Switzerland and the National Bank of Liechtenstein.
Note: Ackerman communicates with former First Lady and 5th degree witch Barbara Bush aka "the bookkeeper".
Clearly, folks, a financial emergency is imminent.
P.P.S. We can also divulge that the 2,000 tons of Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol Russian gold that was stolen from Wanta and the American and Russian People by former illegal White House occupant George W. BushFRAUD and his Treasury Secretary money launder and check kiter Henry 'Hank' Paulson may have resurfaced.
Question: Where is the gold?
Is it still in Colton, Switzerland with bagman Marc Rich at Glencore Commodities?
Or is it in Thailand being used to manipulate the Thai Baht Currency?
Or is it in the Central Bank of Japan being used to create ass backed derivatives that represent naked short positions in the Japanese yen foreign currency futures?
In closing, I can not emphasize the extent of the financial crisis we are facing as the derivative debt now is actually 1,000 times worse than it was when the financial markets collapsed in 2008.
Despite his celebrity status, alleged President Barack Obama has operated his Administration with his former Treasury Secretary, check kiter Timothy Geithner, as the greatest crooked bank enablers in history.

At this hour, Obama has ordered his DHS Secretary, neo-Nazi lesbian Janet Napolitano, to prepare for MARTIAL LAW (given the impending financial emergency).

Napolitano has a list of over 300,000 American patriots who demand an end to the privately owned treasonous Federal Reserve, an end to the phony BushFRAUD orchestrated "war on terror" and restoration of our Constitutional rights to be deemed as domestic "paper terrorists".
Feds Identify 300,000 Americans as Terrorists
is important for ALL patriotic Americans who cherish their God-given
freedom bestowed on us by our Founding Fathers be prepared to use all
their necessary means to defend their 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th Amendment
rights as the paperclip Nazis prepare for an attack on the American
Remember, folks, NO Bush, NO Bitch, No bank - NO bank, N0 Bitch, NO Bush.
When all is said and done, Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. remains the non-inaugurated, duly elected, natural born REAL President of the United States.
Remember, folks, NO Bush, NO Bitch, No bank - NO bank, N0 Bitch, NO Bush.
When all is said and done, Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. remains the non-inaugurated, duly elected, natural born REAL President of the United States.

Duly elected, non-inaugurated,
natural born REAL President Al Gore