Eat-In at the FDA to Label GMOs
This is a Call to Action for a
Non-Hierarchical Occupation of Monsanto Everywhere
Non-Hierarchical Occupation of Monsanto Everywhere
We are going to have an Eat-In at the FDA's Center for Food Safety And Applied Nutrition on Monday, April 8, 2013. Come join us for a picnic protest as we demand the FDA require GMO labeling in America!
Many different versions of the fable “Stone Soup” have been written throughout history. One story is about a hungry soldier who, when passing through an impoverished village, announced that he would make ‘Stone Soup’. The promise of mysterious Stone Soup persuaded the small village to pool its resources and offer up its hidden onions, carrots, and spices to feed everyone in town. By working together, with everyone contributing something, a greater good can be achieved.
Today, America can be a food desert, devoid of healthy options and corporate transparency, but with our resources combined, we can move toward a more informed, healthy, and just food system. Mandatory GMO Labeling, Testing and Regulation is a BIG step along the way to an honest and sustainable food democracy in the USA.

- Jump on an action-bound bus from your region to the FDA!
- Pack a picnic, bring an arm full of (vegetarian) ingredients (herbs, spices, veggies, stock) from your region to add to the (Giant) “Stone Soup”.
- Join a demonstration at the FDA and enjoy a day of sunshine and picnic-style protest.
Are YOU hungry for some food democracy?
Who: Concerned Citizens, Farmers, Families, Students, Safe Food Activists, Food Justice Organizations
What: Eat-In for GMO Labeling at the FDA, Stone Soup Style.
Where: Outside of the Food And Drug Administration’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, 5100 Paint Branch Parkway College Park, MD 20740
When: Monday, April 8, 2013, 8am – 6pm
Why: The FDA is supposed to be the watchdog that protects us. Their purpose is to safeguard the consumer against industry, but instead they often seem to do the absolute reverse. The FDA has failed in its core purpose. FDA policies have lead to: a Lack of Transparency, Revolving Door with Industry, Market Bullying, Widespread Illness, Seed Privatization and Well Documented Risks to our Health: Lets take back our Food System!