According to a
source, there were 2 prototype Nazi Bells that were secreted out of Nazi
Germany at the end of the war. One of them, apparently went to Russia
and from there, due to the heavy radiation signature had to be encased
in several layers then was flown via the Russian space craft taken for a
UFO in the Kecksburg sighting incident, to the U.S. landing in
Kecksburg Pennsylvania.

My previous article about this is here.
In that article I questioned Clark McClelland's story about the
Kecksburg incident being a Russian craft with the contents (shaped like a
bell or acorn). But with this new information, things begin to make
What I am being told is
that the actual bell was recovered in Kecksburg and that it is 6x6 feet
in size. However, there were actually two. The other one is missing.
They are saying it is somewhere in the Middle East, very likely, Iran,
Iraq or Syria, that it may, for a time, have been in Egypt.
This missing bell may be a
later prototype than the one in the possession of the U.S. secret space
program and therefore they are in a mad rush to locate and gain
possession of the 2nd bell. In essence, both bells are said to contain
the technology for warping time, free energy and more. They contain the
secrets that CERN has been searching for and not finding for decades.
This source also reports
that the original inventor was a Russian working for the Nazis...
possibly of Jewish descent. This lends credence to why the first bell
ended up in the hands of Russia. What kind of deal was made in order to
get the 1st prototype bell shipped over to America back in 1965 is not
clear. However, there is no doubt that wars and huge amounts of money
factor into this hunt for the 2nd Nazi Bell... and if you trace the
trajectory of countries invaded by the U.S. for the past 10 years what
you are seeing is a pattern that follows the possible trajectory of the
missing bell.
What the secret
government is most concerned about (and surface government as well) is
that the 2nd bell not fall into the hands of unfriendly governments such
as Iran, Syria or North Korea... (not to mention China).
While checking with various contacts on the above story it was suggested to me by Ricardo Baretsky,
an analyst and global security threat specialist, that this 2nd bell
poses a threat to the world that should not be underestimated.
He wrote..."Should this " Bell" capability truly exist and fall into the wrong hands such as Syria or North Korea than, yes certainly this would pose a threat not only to western countries but all nations including the UN. It therefore certain that this probability would be examined by the Counter intelligence officers of global agencies as a possible threat to any nation that could stand a risk of being over powered by force or blackmail by the opposition."--Ricardo Baretsky
I plan to check with
Clark McClelland to find out whether he knew what this acorn shaped
device contained. At this time, from what I understand, what was shown
in this photo is the casing containing several layers of protection for
the bell. The writing seen around the rim is probably copied from the
actual bell, which I am told does have such writing. The lettering has
some resemblance to Hebrew writing and could very possibly be of ET
origin, with hologram-type properties to assist in safe transport from a
hyper dimensional angle.
I also spoke to Michael Schratt, an aerospace historian who
specializes in classified aircraft, regarding this story and he
confirmed that the above explanation for Kecksburg is very possible in
his view.
More on this as it becomes available... developing.
Note: Ricardo Baretsky
will be my special guest on FRIDAY on Sceptre Radio Network on a newly
scheduled time period at 10 AM Pacific time. We will be discussing the
above as well as his recent report from World News Tomorrow about
shots fired between a UFO and TR3B or similar type craft. It is also
possible the actual shots were fired from the South African base in that
vicinity. Just recently a Naval Officer went on Facebook from that
base and confirmed that he also witnessed this event.
This story was also reported in Veterans Today here.
"The Nazi-Bell device consisted two of counter-rotating cylindrical containers. The containers, which were positioned one above the other measured approximately 1-meter in diameter, and were filled with cryogenically cooled and frozen Mercury metal. There was a frozen core of a metallic paste, which served as a "high permeability material" for the EMG (electromagnetic-gravitational) field."
-- Nick Cook, Hunt for Zero Point
For more information regarding the Nazi Bell and more see our Project Camelot interview with Igor Witkowski here.