Amendment - The Truth Is Coming Out | InvestmentWatch
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New Hampshire Bill Introduced to Re-Instate ORIGINAL 13th Amendment -
The Truth Is Coming Out
March 28th, 2013
46 14 0 1 118
The Truth Is Coming Out
March 28th, 2013
46 14 0 1 118
This is a BIG FOOKING DEAL, folks. Many shills have denied the facts
surrounding the original 13th Amendment barring those with Titles of
Nobility, as in "Attorney", from serving in public office. You know,
because they were known to be self-serving PUKES, agents of the banking
cartel. New Hampshire is the first that I know of that has placed the
fact of the matter into the public record.
surrounding the original 13th Amendment barring those with Titles of
Nobility, as in "Attorney", from serving in public office. You know,
because they were known to be self-serving PUKES, agents of the banking
cartel. New Hampshire is the first that I know of that has placed the
fact of the matter into the public record.
Times they are a changin'.....FAST.
I searched to see if anyone has posted this already and didn't see
anything so....
anything so....
Here it is:
AN ACT recognizing the original Thirteenth Amendment to the United
States Constitution.
States Constitution.
SPONSORS: Rep. Tremblay, Rock 4; Rep. Baldasaro, Rock 5; Rep.
Christiansen, Hills 37
Christiansen, Hills 37
COMMITTEE: State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs
This bill recognizes the original Thirteenth Amendment to the United
States Constitution.
States Constitution.
1 Preamble and Statement of Intent. The general court hereby finds that:
I. In 1810, a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution,
which prohibited titles of nobility and which later became known as the
original Thirteenth Amendment, was introduced, passed both houses of
Congress, and was sent to the states for ratification. On December 9,
1812, shortly after ratification by Virginia, New Hampshire became the
thirteenth state to ratify the amendment. The amendment was therefore
ratified by the requisite number of states and became Article XIII of
the United States Constitution.
which prohibited titles of nobility and which later became known as the
original Thirteenth Amendment, was introduced, passed both houses of
Congress, and was sent to the states for ratification. On December 9,
1812, shortly after ratification by Virginia, New Hampshire became the
thirteenth state to ratify the amendment. The amendment was therefore
ratified by the requisite number of states and became Article XIII of
the United States Constitution.
II. During the War Between the States, otherwise known as the Civil War,
the country was under martial law, and all executive orders made by
President Lincoln were, in effect, law. After the war, laws made during
that period were to be abated; yet, vestiges of martial law remained and
presidents continued to write executive orders.
the country was under martial law, and all executive orders made by
President Lincoln were, in effect, law. After the war, laws made during
that period were to be abated; yet, vestiges of martial law remained and
presidents continued to write executive orders.
III. The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871, otherwise known as
the Act of 1871, created a corporation in the District of Columbia
called the United States of America. The act revoked prior legislation
relative to the district's municipal charter and, most egregiously, led
to adoption of a fraudulent constitution in which the original
Thirteenth Amendment was omitted.
the Act of 1871, created a corporation in the District of Columbia
called the United States of America. The act revoked prior legislation
relative to the district's municipal charter and, most egregiously, led
to adoption of a fraudulent constitution in which the original
Thirteenth Amendment was omitted.
IV. Today, what appears to the public as the United States Constitution
is not the complete document, as it was never lawfully amended to remove
the Thirteenth Amendment. Instead, the document presented as the United
States Constitution is merely a mission statement for the corporation
unlawfully established in the Act of 1871.
is not the complete document, as it was never lawfully amended to remove
the Thirteenth Amendment. Instead, the document presented as the United
States Constitution is merely a mission statement for the corporation
unlawfully established in the Act of 1871.