Bank & Finance Alert by Drake
As most listeners and followers know, I have been working with principles in the release of The Collateral Accounts.
At this level, most are unaware of how things work and the direct impact specific actions have.
The partial listing is as follows :
Goldman Sacs, Lloyd Blankfein; J.P. Morgan, Jamie Diamond and Deitschbank, Josef Ackermann. This notice is a heads up of documentation of illicit activities at, between, and by these financial institutions.
The posting is to be made in the next day or so.
These will include several others in this list, as everyone will soon see.
All of those involved might want to be aware that many people are involved in this expose` of what many will term a first house cleaning.
Everyone involved and the institutions are set to be prosecuted for their activities and actions.
I hope those involved are ready.
I know the people who have been subjected by this are more than ready to see justice served.
~ Drake