The disclosure of a DNA-tested extraterrestrial humanoid became the #1
Most Popular story on Huffington Post for four full days. The film
SIRIUS premiered Monday -- and may be a critical tipping-point for
Our story begins with a seemingly prophetic dream I had on Friday, April 19th.
If this seems to be foolish or irrelevant, bear in mind that I have
been recording my dreams for over 20 years -- almost every morning --
since September 23, 1992.
I have had many hundreds of accurate prophecies of future events appear
during this time. Some of them have been posted on this website in
The most notable example was when, in "Bouncing Back from Hack Attack,"
I predicted "some kind of major disaster" involving a huge explosion
and tidal waves was about to happen -- right before Fukushima.
This was on February 23, 2011. Fukushima was on March 11, 2011 -- just 16 days later.
Here is a quote, from that article, of a dream that directly predicted a tsunami -- with some boldface added in for emphasis:
Just three days ago, I had a dream of an absolutely colossal-sized ocean area made of rippling, broken, brownish-gray ice. It all looked like the Arctic. I can't even describe how huge and how intense the ripples were.
The entire surface of this vast area of ice was constantly undulating -- like a vast body of water that was really churning. It was as if I was seeing a vast, frozen ocean, covered with broken ice, that was now experiencing incredibly huge waves.
One undulation could easily move up and down as much as 1000 feet. There was no way to predict exactly what parts would undulate -- and obviously anything of this scale was extremely dangerous....
This morning's dream is predicting something that could shake things up, for a while, as much as the Gulf oil volcano once did.
It's very unusual for me to pass data like this along in advance, but
in another case I had a massive dream that Michael Jackson died in my
arms of a heart attack -- and a short time later, he did die of a heart
Today I am again ready to publish a prophetic dream. My data is strong enough that I am willing to stick my neck out -- and make another bold prognostication.
[Incidentally, I did release "Access Your Higher Self", which teaches you how to read symbolic language, incubate dreams and gain full telepathic access.]