BLOG.REDEFININGGOD.COM: A New Suspect! The Boston Tea Party Bombings, Update 17
A New Suspect! The Boston Tea Party Bombings, Update 17
When I first saw the pictures of the Craft operatives, I fixated on the Israeli-looking guy (ILG) because he looked like a typical Mossad bomber type of person. In the resulting tunnel vision, though, I failed to notice what was right next to him.Upon taking a closer look at the third potential patsy I mentioned in this entry (and whom I'll now call "White-haired Waldo"), I came to some realizations....
He is standing between the two Craft guys in this picture, and there is a black backpack on the ground next to him (to his lower left). If you look carefully, you can see the edge of a white tab on it (just like ILG's pack)...

...It is almost blocked by the obstruction, but I definitely see a corner of it.
Now look at a picture (from the Landdestroyer Blog) that was taken after the bombing. Where's Waldo?...

...The two Craft guys made their way across the street before the blast, but Waldo is gone.
And if you notice the packs the two Craft guys have after the blast, the ILG seems to have the same pack on, and the black hat guy has a pack with no white tab...

So I ask you, where did Waldo and the white-tabbed black backpack go?...

...Did he walk away to the right, drop off the pack, and keep going before the Craft guys crossed the street to get away from the detonation?
Let's find pictures of Waldo....