
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Tom Heneghan Update from March 4, 2013

U.S. Military Ready to Grab Bernanke
by Tom Heneghan International Intelligence Expert
Crooked bank stooge Bernard Bernanke,
privately owned Federal Reserve Chairman

image survivingcalifornia.files.wordpress .com

UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that officials of the U.S. Treasury, the IMF and the People's Republic of China have warned crooked bank stooge Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke to immediately liquidate his Japanese yen-U.S. dollar ponzi scheme or face immediate arrest.

Reference: China is sinking into a depression and with a worldwide currency war erupting financial Armaggedon and derivative meltdown could be hours away.

Note: The U.S. Fed and the Central Bank of Japan have been using illegal cross-collateralized derivatives to illegally comingle Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds as to prop up the derivative holdings of American-based Bank of America, which now has, as of this hour, a $30 BILLION margin call with the CME Group.

P.S. Members of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff went ballistic today when they discovered that Bernard Shalom Bernanke was actually telling President Barack Obama what to do in regards to Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol implementation.
image alanfleisig.files.wordpress .com

Direct message to Wolf Blitzer of CNN (202) 898-7900:

The American People are not interested in seeing any more interviews with Bush Crime Family syndicate members aka election stealer and nation wrecking enabler Jeb Bush.

Item: CNN network is under total control of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate banking consortium that would like to script a 2016 presidential election scenario pitting Benghazi war criminal Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton versus the aforementioned misfit Jeb Bush.

Question to CNN: When are you going to cover the Vanity Fair story, which details sociopath activity of former illegal year 2000 White House occupant George W. BushFRAUD in sending naked pictures of himself to his sister?

In the words of Katie Couric, Wolf Blitzer should ask Jeb Bush if his sociopath brother is gay.

Question: Maybe we can find a new sinkhole in Florida where the whole Bush Family Nazi German 'Skull and Bones' bloodline can go swim in.

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