
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Tom Heneghan Update for March 3, 2013

Tom Heneghan explosive intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL, reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions

Sunday March 3, 2013
Worldwide Currency War Erupts
Plus Protocol News

by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert Duffy, Executive Chairman and President,CME Group source cdn2.benzinga. com

UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that Bank of America's margin call, involving short positions aka naked call options written on the Japanese yen and naked put options written on unleaded gasoline futures, has now increased to $20 BILLION.

Note: Bank of America is also involved in a major attempt to suppress silver and gold prices as to support the stock market bubble.

The original $10 BILLION margin call was issued by the CME Group in Chicago over one week ago.

Reference: CME Group President Terry Duffy immediately flew off to Germany looking to engineer a bail out for Bank of America with more derivative hocus pocus.

Note: Bank of America is clearly in total violation of the Commodity Exchange Act of 1936 and the CME Group are enabling them to get away with it.

At this hour, the new leadership of the People's Republic of China, which is on the verge of a major depression, is poised to flood the world currency markets with Chinese yuan while simultaneously buying Japanese yen.

The Chinese government is now on a major collision course with the crooked U.S. Fed and the corrupt Central Bank of Japan.

P.S. Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol implementation remains imminent as U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde, officials at Austrian banks and financial officers of the People's Republic of China continue round the clock negotiations reference Protocol implementation. Reference: All out war between the U.S. Treasury, the IMF and the corrupt, privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve and its bank stooge Chairman Bernard Bernanke is about to begin.
Michelle Obama and Valerie Jarrett

P.P.S. At this hour both U.S. Treasury Jack Lew and IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde have directly communicated with U.S. President Barack Obama and expressed their concern over White House leaks (concerning Protocol implementation) that were engineered by Obama Administration official Valerie Jarrett and none other than First Lady Michelle Obama. The recipient of these leaks concerning Protocol implementation was none other than Washington Post journalist and editor, Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate stooge and scumbag, Bob Woodward.

Item: It should be remembered that Woodward has done tremendous damage to the United States on behalf of his 'handlers', the Bushes and the Clintons.

Of course Woodward is a total fraud since most of his White House books on various U.S. presidents were written by Washington Post journalist Walter Pincus.

Messages to President Obama:

1. Please impose the Volcker Rule now before it is too late and stop sociopath Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke from bailing out crooked banks giving them free casino chips using American Taxpayers' money and illegally comingling Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds.

2. Have U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew immediately implement the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols that will return $1.5 TRILLION back to the U.S. Treasury. There will then be no need for you, President Obama, to invoke automatic spending cuts and large tax increases for average Americans over an alleged budget impasse, which upon Protocol implementation will not exist.

In the words of the famous Chicago Bears football coach Mike Dikta "Who are you shitting?"

P.P.S. At this hour, the former PFG CEO Russell Wasendorf scandal is now escalating.

Sources close to the U.S. Attorney for Northern Illinois are reporting more indictments of former PFG personnel are imminent.
Russell R. Wasendorf Sr with Barbara Bush: PFGBest, a 20-year old broker of foreign exchange and commodity futures, told customers their accounts had been frozen
Wasendorf Sr. with
Bush Crime Family's Barbara Bush

We can now divulge that the U.S. Attorney in Northern Illinois has new evidence showing that Wasendorf Sr., his son Russell Jr. and PFG's former Compliance Officer used a 845 corporate account to launder customers' segregated funds through U.S. Bank and the Nazi German 'Skull and Bones' Deutsche Bank on the behalf of the neo-Nazi 'Skull and Bones' Bush Crime Family.

Reference: Former U.S. Bank employee Hope Timmermann is now singing like a canary.

The U.S. Attorney is also sitting on new evidence that the former PFG Compliance Officer had direct liaison to the corrupt National Futures Association (NFA), an alleged self regulatory body, and that the NFA and PFG were totally complicit in the conspiracy to loot PFG customers' segregated accounts.

Reference: Once again former U.S. Bank employee Hope Timmermann is singing like a canary.
Russell Wasendorf Jr.'s FOREX ponzi

image bizjournals. com

Finally, there is also new evidence fingering the former PFG Compliance Officer in conspiring with NFA personnel to engineer NFA (National Futures Association) entrapment calls against PFG's own retail IBs (introducing brokers) so as to frame the IBs and then terminate them and, accordingly, steal all of the IBs accounts on behalf of Russell Wasendorf Jr., who was busy operating a FOREX currency ponzi scheme.

Question: It is late evening, is Terry Duffy of the CME Group having dinner with Bush Crime Family crony Angela Merkel and Russell Wasendorf Jr. at the Deutsche Bank cafe?

Guess who is going to pay the bill. The one that possesses the most derivatives.

Stay tuned for future intelligence briefings in which we will have an update on the IGF-1 illegal performance enhancing steroid drug scandal involving members of the Southeastern Football Conference and ESPN's attempt to shut down the NCAA and turn intercollegiate football to NFL lite.

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