by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert

HIGH Treason TraitorHillary Rodham Clinton
UNITED States of America - As Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols implementation remains imminent with an April 1st U.S. Supreme Court ordered deadline, it can now be reported that former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has been placed under house arrest by the U.S. military on charges of financial treason.
On week ago Friday, the same day Jack Lew was sworn in as U.S. Treasury Secretary, sociopath Hillary attempted to illegally divert $1.7 TRILLION of U.S. Treasury funds to a secret CIA proprietary account in the People's Republic of China.
Both Chelsea Clinton (Hillary's daughter) and former Citibank CEO and Clinton era Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin have power of attorney over the account.
Reference: Chelsea Clinton just the other day purchased a $10.5 MILLION apartment in New York City.
Note: The illegal THEFT of U.S. Treasury funds was enabled by the Dallas, Texas branch of the German Nazi Bush Crime Family controlled Commerzbank.
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas President Richard Fisher became aware of this treasonous grand larceny and notified Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke and sent criminal referrals to the U.S. FBI, the U.S. Treasury and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.

Late word is that Chinese financial government officials, now representing the new government of China, assisted U.S. officials in the sting.

The Libyan national was in charge of the security for the Benghazi CIA outpost hired the Turkish security who were in charge of protecting the outpost.
The Libyan national also kept the books and handled the financial affairs that dealt with the CIA outpost and had direct communication with the U.S. State Department.

We can also divulge that the Libyan national was used by the former BushFRAUD Administration, along with former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and National Security Advisor Paul Wolfowitz as a bag man that involved the government of Turkey with a goal to plant weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in the nation of Iraq before the Iraq war began.
It clearly didn't work!

Obama greets JPMorgan Chase Jamie Dimon
The $660 TRILLION of toxic derivatives represent 1/3 of the total U.S. debt.
So, folks, our national debt just went up.
Late word is that the majority of these derivatives aka worthless I.O.U.s between banks have been placed in the Central Bank of Japan for the purpose of disguise and direct manipulation of the Japanese yen currency aka naked short positions.
Note: Senator Levin, Democrat of Michigan, is now convinced that crooked U.S. Attorney General (Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate stooge) Eric Holder and financial regulators tied to the CFTC, the SEC and the NFA covered up for JPMorgan for years and were on the take.
Reference: It is an absolute crime that this crooked bank JPMorgan continued to operate a casino and ran up 90% of these derivatives AFTER they were "bailed out" by the American Taxpayers in September of 2008.
Obama, who has been JPMorgan's enabler, recently told White House advisor Valerie Jarrett that he is receiving threats (courtesy warnings) from the U.S. military on a daily basis.President Obama recently refused to eat his lobster dinner being served to him by the White House chef. Obama did not want to eat his dinner because his food taster was absent suffering from the flu.
Suggestion to President Obama: Immediately sign an Executive Order reinstating the Glass-Steagall Act and implement the Volcker Rule and then you can go ahead an eat dinner.

P.S. The latest billion dollar euro bail out fiasco involving the government of Cyprus is tied to none other than crooked JPMorgan derivatives.
The latest European Central Bank (ECB) plan is to tax the saving deposits of average Cyprus citizens and then launder the tax proceeds back into the derivative-riddled Bush Crime Family controlled Nazi German "Skull and Bones" Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank, and, of course, write more derivatives.
Late word from Cyprus is that the bank holiday has been pushed back to Tuesday given that the "bail out" fund is still $10 BILLION short and that the Cyprus Parliament fearing violent revolution will not impose a tax levy on its own citizens' saving deposits to "bail out" the gambling casinos aka the crooked banks.
Word is now out that major bank runs can be expected in not only Cyprus but Greece, Italy, Spain, along with Portugal and Ireland, as the European Union faces collapse.

The bank holiday taking place in Cyprus, and soon to be all of Europe, will soon take place in the United States.
Remember, we are dealing with $660 TRILLION of worthless, toxic JPMorgan Chase derivatives.

She is planning to place bulldozers in front of the crooked banks and armed guards whose orders will be to prevent American citizens from withdrawing their life savings from these bankster casinos.
We now see why the TREASONOUS Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has ordered 1.6 billion rounds of ammo as they plan to wage war against the American People on behalf of these crooked banks.
The DHS is also planning a FALSE FLAG terrorist attack, once again, staged in New York City that will then coincide with the U.S. bank holiday and a declaration of MARTIAL LAW.
Napolitano is being assisted by treasonous Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City and treasonous Senator Dianne Feinstein (Democrat of California).
Both Bloomberg and Feinstein are extortion-friendly and viciously oppose the 1st, the 2nd, the 4th, and 5th Amendments of the Constitution of the United States.
Bloomberg, who wants to ban soft drinks at 7-11s and anywhere in NYC, once stated that the U.S. Constitution Bill of Rights is an outdated document·

Question: Guess who the biggest campaign contributors are to both extortion-friendly Bloomberg and extortion-friendly Feinstein.
Answer: You got it, crooked U.S. banks.

In closing, congratulations to American patriot Senator Rand Paul (Republican of Kentucky) for winning the straw poll at the recent CPAC conference.
Jeb Bush got few votes and finished last.
So, STAND WITH RAND and repeat after me:
No Bush, No Bitch,
No Bloomberg News, No CNN,
No Bitch, No Bush, No bank.
No Bloomberg News, No CNN,
No Bitch, No Bush, No bank.
Finally, we can report that former U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Sandra Day O'Connor is now fully on board with the rest of her former Supreme Court colleagues when it comes to the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols.
We can divulge that Sandra Day O'Connor as turned over significant files to current U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts.
and paste url links below, be sure to remove the space between the (dot) and (com)
Cyprus Bank Deposits to Be Taxed in $13 Billion Bailout com/news/2013-03-16/euro-area-takes-aim-at-depositors-in-cyprus-bailout.html
Cyprus parliament delays vote on deposit levy to Monday
http://uk.reuters. com/article/2013/03/17/uk-eurozone-cyprus-idUKBRE92F07R20130317
Fed's Fisher Says Too-Big-to-Fail Banks Should Be Shrunk com/news/2013-03-16/fed-s-fisher-says-too-big-to-fail-banks-should-be-shrunk.html
ALERT! FEMA ~ Field Manual ~ Internment Camps EXPOSED! com/watch?v=66YnAWRFBME
Fed Gave Euro Bank 1.2 T in Jan! Banks Still Insolvent!
http://beforeitsnews. com/economics-and-politics/2013/03/fed-gave-euro-banks-1-trillion-in-jan-2450572.html?utm_campaign=
Cyprus Bank Deposits to Be Taxed in $13 Billion Bailout com/news/2013-03-16/euro-area-takes-aim-at-depositors-in-cyprus-bailout.html
Cyprus parliament delays vote on deposit levy to Monday
http://uk.reuters. com/article/2013/03/17/uk-eurozone-cyprus-idUKBRE92F07R20130317
Fed's Fisher Says Too-Big-to-Fail Banks Should Be Shrunk com/news/2013-03-16/fed-s-fisher-says-too-big-to-fail-banks-should-be-shrunk.html
ALERT! FEMA ~ Field Manual ~ Internment Camps EXPOSED! com/watch?v=66YnAWRFBME
Fed Gave Euro Bank 1.2 T in Jan! Banks Still Insolvent!
http://beforeitsnews. com/economics-and-politics/2013/03/fed-gave-euro-banks-1-trillion-in-jan-2450572.html?utm_campaign=
The 911 Illusion: Part I: Patsies & Beneficiaries
http://www.veteranstoday. com/2013/03/04/the-911-illusion-patsies-beneficiaries/
The 911 Illusion: Part II: Deutsche Bank &
http://www.veteranstoday. com/2013/03/08/the-911-illusion-part-ii-deutsche-bank-blackstone/
The 911 Illusion: Part III: Secret Societies & Masterminds