
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Tom Heneghan Update for March 10, 2013

U.S. Treasury vs Federal Reserve: It Is Getting Ugly
by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew engaged in a major verbal shouting match with Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke last Friday evening.
Secretary of the Treasury, Jack Lew (L),
and privately owned Federal Reserve Chairman
traitor Ben Bernanke


As Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol implementation remains imminent (a Supreme Court ordered April 1st deadline) Lew accused Bernanke of illegal conversion of funds in his continuing comingling of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterand Protocols.

Note: Bernanke recently transferred billions of dollars of U.S. Taxpayers' funds to foreign financial institutions with the European Central Bank (ECB) being used as the pimp.

The ECB and its soon to be indicted President Mario Draghi then used the funds to buy euro currency and sell short the Japanese yen orchestrating a foreign currency ponzi scheme that helped boost the prices and valuations of U.S. and European as well as Japanese stock markets.

The ponzi scheme was also used to prop up the hocus pocus euro denominated balance sheets of U.S. banking giants, the gangster banks Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase.

Speaking of JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs, last Friday the U.S. Treasury did a preemptive strike against the criminal privately owned Federal Reserve when they leaked the real stress tests on JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs.

The stress tests proved negative.

The stress tests detailed that the two aforementioned banking gangsters have massive exposure to derivative debt and have record over margined positions using illegal cross-collateralized derivatives on the corrupt London LIFFE exchange utilizing naked options in the rigging of foreign currency, precious metals and stock index future contracts that are traded on worldwide financial markets.

Note: The U.S. Treasury is now in position of 'smoking gun' evidence that proves that JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs current spread sheets are 85% worthless derivatives and only 15% cash.


Once again, congratulations to Senator Rand Paul, Republican of Kentucky, for standing up for the U.S. Constitution against the neo-Nazi Obama Soteoro administration and its totally corrupt Attorney General Eric Holder and neo-Nazi lesbian Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.

Thanks to great American patriot Rand Paul there is good news.

THE U.S. MILITARY IS NOW READY TO PIVOT when it comes to Holder and Napolitano as well as check kiter and money launder Bernard Shalom Bernanke.

Bernanke is now complaining that he is getting anti-semetic threats from U.S. military

Message to Bernanke: Quit playing the Jew card. You were warned twice by the U.S. military to stop comingling Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds and using U.S. Taxpayers' money on behalf of FOREIGN financial institutions and crooked U.S. banks that LOOTED the U.S. Treasury and then got bailed out, otherwise known as financial TREASON!

Clearly, Mr. Bernanke, you do not listen, so maybe you should buy a hearing aid but do it with your own money, NOT U.S. Taxpayers' money.

P.P.S. The crooked bank-controlled, extortion friendly U.S. media is still promoting the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate control over the United States.

CNN aka CIA news network was busy suggesting a Jeb Bush vs Hillary Clinton possible 2016 election match up.

Note: It is doubtful this country ever makes it to 2016 let alone the end of the month, despite that CNN remains totally sociopathic and on the take.

Repeat after me: It is Bush vs Bitch, bank, bank bank and its Bitch vs Bush, bank, bank, bank.

Message to Jeb Bush: Lets get immigration reform started. The first thing we can do is deport your whole Nazi German 'Skull and Bones' election stealing, nation wrecking family from American soil, destination Paraguay.

Once you all arrive in Paraguay, year 2000 duly elected President Albert Gore Jr. will then place you all in a sinkhole. Now that IS immigration reform, folks!

Remember, folks, the U.S. media is TOTALLY CONTROLLED by the crooked banks, along with the Bush-Clinton-Obama-Geithner-Paulson-Bernanke Crime Family Syndicate that LOOTED the U.S. Treasury and shredded our Constitution.


Example of media whores:

Extortion friendly David Gregory of NBC Meet the Press was a regular customer at Barney Frank's homosexual and pedophile whore house and has been on the take from the Bushes and Clintons for years.!/img/httpImage/amd-chris-jpg.jpg
MSNBC Chrissy Pooh Matthews embraces
Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate'sHillary Bitch Clinton

source nydailynews. com, mediabistro. com

Then there is Twitty Bird aka Chrissy Pooh Matthews of MSNBC. Chrissy Pooh bragged about voting for George W. BushFRAUD in the year 2000 so as to pave the way for Hillary Bitch and is now enabling a U.S. police state by promoting the FBI Division 5 controlled Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) that wants to dismantle the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th Amendments to the Constitution of the United States.

The Southern Poverty Law Center believes that anyone who believes in the Constitution of the United States is either a racist or anti-semite.

Message to Chrissy Pooh Matthews: Why don't you go fly a drone, you moron!

Then there are the two moron bookends Erin Burnett and Anderson Cooper of CNN. Burnett recently mocked Senator Rand Paul while both Burnett and Cooper regularly trash the U.S. Constitution, but constantly promote sodomy and sexual deviancy.

There is a rumor out that Cooper and Burnett are going to run an online gay dating service with Wolf Blitzer, George W. BushFRAUD and Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton as co-hosts.

Note: It should also be mentioned that all of these aforementioned cable news network actors and actresses got insider trading tips from former General Electric (GE) CEO Jack Welch and soon to be indicted Steven Cohen of SAC Capital.

P.P.P.S. Congratulations to Leslie Stahl of CBS news for her excellent 60 Minutes piece on Chinese ghost cities and the collapsing Chinese economy.

CBS is the only network with real journalists who are not actors, actresses and bimbos.

Bill Plante, Bob Shieffer and Leslie Stahl make half the salary than these aforementioned cable news network morons and propagandists.

Just turn off the cable news network shows and click on to the CBS website, some real big news is coming from CBS.

As you look for the truth, look to CBS News.

In closing, speaking of China word is out China will devalue the Chinese yuan at 6:00 p.m. eastern standard time.

This action is directly aimed at the Central Bank of Japan, which is currently financing a Black Op involving North Korea and alleged nuclear threat versus the U.S. and Japan.

Question: Who is really making these threats from North Korea?

Could it be Dennis Rodman who is using his cell phone in the lobby of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.