“Sexual freemasons” get it on with Satan between the “Twin Towers,” I mean the “Twin Pillars,” of Hiram the builder
by Kevin Barrett
Why did the the Catholic church remove the expression “the world order” from the transcript of yesterday’s speech by Cardinal Sodomo – I’m sorry, make that Cardinal Sodano?
Robert Moynihan, the very mainstream “Inside the Vatican” correspondent, was so perplexed by this bizarre act of censorship that he spent 637 words analyzing it yesterday. Here is an extract from Moynihan’s “Inside the Vatican Letter #44“:
Anyway, this evening, I was not going to send out a letter, and then, reading the Italian press, I came across an odd little item, which caught my attention.
I am always interested in “little” details like this. As they say, “the devil is in the details.“
Ok, here is the story.
Below is a link to a website where I read a curious comment from a reader.
The reader says that the official text of the homily of Cardinal Sodano today is incorrect, in that it omits two words that Sodano actually spoke when he gave the homily.
What were those two words? The commenter says they were: “world order” (“ordine mondiale”).
Here is the comment in Italian:
“Strano, il testo ufficiale dell` omelia del card. Sodano non corrisponde a ciò che ha detto in Basilica, e che ho ascoltato, le parole ‘ordine mondiale,’ che del resto mi avevano colpita e lasciata estereffatta, sono sparite.” ["Strange, the official text of the homily of Cardinal Sodano does not correspond to what he said in the Basilica, and what I myself heard, the words 'world order,' which moreover struck me and left me terrified, have disappeared."]
Link: Oggi Sodano, otto anni fa Ratzinger i toni dell’omelia pre-Conclave (Gualtieri)
Then, as I continued to read the Italian press, I came across an Italian journalist who also heard the same thing, and then published it this way:
“Gli ultimi Pontefici sono stati artefici di tante iniziative benefiche anche verso i popoli e la comunità internazionale, promovendo senza sosta la giustizia e la pace e l’ordine mondiale – ha proseguito Sodano – preghiamo perché il futuro Papa possa continuare quest’incessante opera a livello mondiale”.
In other words, writing his article, this journalist had quoted Sodano’s speech with those two words included — even though those words are not in the official text distributed by the Vatican. He did this, evidently, because he heard the words. Here is a link to that report: Sodano: “Preghiamo che Dio conceda un Papa dal cuore generoso”
Curious, I wondered: Did Sodano use those words, or not?
Just a little question, really. What had he actually said?
So, I started looking at videos of the homily.
Continue Reading at..... http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/03/13/popecrisis/