Sunday, March 17, 2013

Super Woo Radio Episode #10 - Neil Kramer


Neil Kramer
"Illuminating Wisdom from the Unconventional Philosopher”


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Dear Friends,

We are happy to announce Super Woo Radio Episode 10, "Illuminating Wisdom from the Unconventional Philosopher” with our special guest, Neil Kramer, is now available at  iTunes and

Neil Kramer is a British philosopher and teacher specializing in the fields of consciousness, metaphysics, and mysticism. He has made a lifelong independent study of philosophy, mystical traditions, religion, and esoteric world history.  He shares his path of transformation and empowerment in writings, interviews, and lectures, as well as giving one-on-one teachings and group workshops. Neil offers you the opportunity to engage in the radical philosophy of authentic living. Inoculate against unreality. Change the signal. And Love it.

The show begins with Neil discussing how Humanity is being asked to participate in a forced shutdown of our naturally occurring freedoms and sense of adventure. We then dive into the resulting journey through the landscape of the conspiratorial realm that awareness of this shut down brings. Neil also de-mystifies the problem society has with making mistakes and discusses how we all have a gift of understanding which enables us to change our reality. We also explore the courage it takes to incarnate into this reality and how to bring wisdom into our everyday life. Then, we discuss the problem with surrogating ones transformation through a deity or guru etc., and how the handing over of your contract of personal evolution forfeits your ability to change your reality, and the importance of confidence in one’s own evolution. 

The second half of the show begins with us discussing the Universal dimensions and hierarchies. We then flow into the result of heavily investing into logic and modern-day science, and the programing of Human awareness. Neil then shares his understanding of the positive messages from ultra-terrestrials. We then delve into the trappings of the 4th Dimension, omnipotence with no progression, the path of negativity and the Beings that feed off Humanity. Neil also shares a profound personal experience he had with a dark energy. We then discuss the interface the dark ones use for the purpose of a feeding mechanism through worship; and consequently, the issue of worship is also addressed. Neil then talks about embodying harmonic resonance, its impact and the genius of our Solar System. We conclude this discussion with the understanding that we have the power within to transcend the challenges of life. 

This episode of SWR is very special for me as it was an incredible journey into the deeper aspects of life done so with truly illuminating wisdom articulated in a way that is authentic, clear and simple to understand. 


Neil Kramer’s website is

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Super Woo Radio Host
Super Woo Radio
 PO Box 32, Edwardstown SA 5039, Australia